The Fire Within ~Hot Flashes

Today’s article is about an important aspect of Menopause ~ “Hot Flashes. A lot of misleading DATA is circulating with respect to Hot Flashes – Through this article, I will be sharing some basic facts of “Hot Flashes” and what BEST can be done to handle them with ease.

Knowledge is Power – We are aware of this – and yet many of us avoid the lessons unless needed – This is a MISTAKE – Awareness of any phase of life in advance helps us come out strong when Life leads us to unexpected Twists and Turns.

Why be baffled when you can be Beautiful

Also, one small NOTE before I get into the DETAILS of Today’s Topic – Hot Flashes and Menopause go hand in hand – Every woman dread these flashes of heat because the reason behind their occurrence is never clearly understood – Hence the strategies to manage them are varied – To each its own is the case with respect to “Hot Flashes” during Menopause…One needs to Observe their Body’s Reaction and work out a Personalized Strategy to deal with these random Fire Attacks.

Time for an detailed understanding of “Hot Flashes” and what does a woman experience when they occur…

What are Hot Flashes ?

“Vasomotor Instability” is the scientific name for the process that causes HOT FLASHES. Fluctuating and dropping estrogen levels disrupt a woman’s internal thermostat, thereby resulting in random episodes of Hot Flashes.

Also, not all women who go through menopause have “Hot Flashes” and so it isn’t an essential feature associated with Menopause…It is one of the many symptoms associated with Menopause.

NOTE : one must always remember that rarely, Hot Flashes are caused by something other than Menopause. Be alert if you experience them earlier in life – Hot flashes, while not transiting in the Menopausal Phase, may be a sign of medication side effects, problems with your thyroid, certain cancers and side effects of cancer treatment. Better to get yourself Examined by a Doctor.

Understanding the Fire Within !

An unexpected episode of a hot flash starts as a sudden sensation of heat in your face, neck and chest and causes you to sweat profusely, increases your pulse rate and make you feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

It is seen that these random episodes of “Hot Flashes” can hit as often as every 90 minutes and each one can last from 15 seconds to 30 minutes…. On an average, it is seen that a “Hot Flash” typically lasts about three to six minutes, although the sensation can last longer for some women.

Hot Flashes are TIME SPECIFIC – Though absurd, it may sound, but it is seen that Hot Flashes are more common in the evening and during hot weather.

Most women experience Hot Flashes at night during sleep – When “Hot Flashes” happen while you sleep, they’re called “Night sweats” – Waking up to a wet self disrupts the mind – making it difficult to take rest. A woman not only feels uncomfortable but also feel ashamed of her state that is beyond her CONTROL. Indeed, Hot Flashes occurring at night is a nightmare, as they may lead to insomnia for some women.

Science behind the SCENES !

Getting to know the Science behind Hot Flashes is a must – so let’s get started…

As I mentioned earlier that Hot flashes are most commonly caused by changing hormone levels before, during and after menopause. It’s not clear exactly how hormonal changes cause hot flashes. But most research suggests that HOT FLASHES occur when Decreased Estrogen Levels cause the body’s thermostat (hypothalamus) to become more sensitive to slight changes in body temperature.

When the hypothalamus thinks our body is too warm, it starts a chain of events — a hot flash, with the sole intent to cool us down… Random cycles of Heat followed by chills leads to inconvenience and frustration in a woman.

The series of feeling HOT & COLD, takes a woman by surprise and leaves her topsy-turvy and driving her insane – Basically who lies to be caught off-guard …Not ME !!!

Because a woman’s body experiences a wave of HEAT while others seem to be enjoying and appreciating the coolness of their similar dwelling- a woman feels a misfit – Hot flashes make her feel uncomfortable but she has no idea how to explain her state to others – Her mind compels her to stay quiet while her body behaviour isn’t in sync with her mind…. A woman feels CRAZY…But Crazy she is not – SHE is just dealing with something UNKNOWN – The FIRE WITHIN is leading her to CONFUSION.

Pause & Read with CARE – Answer to Hot Flashes is concealed in these LINES

YOU are on FIRE ~~~
A sudden tsunami wave just came and soaked YOU.
YOU are totally drenched
YOU feel like throwing off your clothes
YOU feel like sitting in a cool box
YOU feel a chill down your spine

And then, suddenly

Do pay attention to the FIRST & LAST LINES of this snippet of THOUGHTS – The chronological order of a typical ‘HOT FLASH’ that a woman experiences during Menopause may seem scary …But one need not be petrified – because “Being on Fire is NORMAL” – all that needs to be done is to understand the body’s regulatory process and find strategies to master the Art of Dealing with Hot Flashes.

Unexpected and unpredictable episodes of hot flashes that most women experience during their menopausal days have been a mystery for the Science World when it comes to their treatment…and though there is no cure for this Force of Nature, there are certain strategies that we can apply to get control over the FIRE WITHIN.

We, Woman have to work with ourselves much beforehand so that the symptoms of Menopause do not mess up our Daily Life…When a Hot Flash occurs, a woman must remind herself of the fact that – She is simply dealing with a symptom associated with Menopause – one that gets triggered because of Hormonal Changes – and this is NORMAL.

Managing Hot Flashes

A woman’s life gets “Miserable & Uncomfortable” during Menopause is a tag associated with Menopause. This is because sudden episodes of Hot Flashes can force a woman to stay indoors – Without a concrete strategy to face these “Wet Episodes“, the woman may feel “Powerless” and also “Insecure”. This affects her social life and work ethics are compromised…All these cause mental imbalance and a woman can end up depressed during the day – To top it all, the occurrence of “Hot Flashes” at night disturbs the sleeping pattern and thus continues the cycle of Anxiety & Concern.

To reduce the discomfort of hot flashes, few modifications are needed with respect to Food, Clothes & Sleep.


Certain foods are known to trigger Hot flashes” – Hence it would be sensible to identify these triggers and avoid them in our diets…Maintain a diary entry to help you identify your Triggers….

  • Drinks like coffee, tea, alcohol, colas, act as triggers. Please avoid these.
  • Increase your intake of water and sipping on chilled water works best, it keeps hot flashes down.
  • When the levels of blood sugar drop during menopause, it can lead to hot flashes. Thus, we need to eat regular meals to keep our blood sugar levels stable.
  • Whole grain cereals, fiber also help in stabilizing the sugar levels.
  • Foods rich in phytoestrogens like beans, legumes, yams, apples, potatoes, carrots, and soy should be taken on a daily basis to reduce the intensity of flashes.
  • Don’t be a mistress of spices during your menopausal days because menopause and spices is a bad combination. Spices will make you all the more uncomfortable and intensify your hot flashes.
  • Women who smoke are more likely to get hot flashes…so quit Smoking
  • A high body mass index (BMI) is associated with a higher frequency of hot flashes. Make efforts to keep your weight in check – No Binge Eating because of feeling “Helpless” during Menopause.


  • Dress for the Season and always wear comfortable clothes.
  • Be sure to wear clothes that cater for sudden and irritating symptoms.
  • In summer, wear lightweight cotton clothes made of natural fibers.
  • Cotton clothes provide more absorbency and comfort to the skin.
  • In winter, wear layers that can be easily removed when a hot flash episode arrives.
  • Make sure to wear a light cotton shirt underneath so that when a hot flash occurs, you can remove the heavy sweater or shirt until it passes.
  • Loose trousers are also preferable to a tight skirt, to ease any discomfort in the vaginal or abdominal area. (Many women experience bloating during this stage)
  • Always go for cotton underwear. It is more comfortable if you are suffering from vaginal dryness.


Good Sleep is a must if we wish to enjoy the days of LIFE – For some women, Hot Flashes are experienced as night sweats – These can be somewhat bothersome, so better to be prepared in advance.

Some Tips to help you SLEEP WELL !
  • Develop a habit of taking a shower before sleeping…Refreshed Body aids in Sleep
  • Always wear loose fitting cotton nightwear…Easy Circulation of air
  • Keep a bottle of water by your Bedside – After an episode of Hot Flash, Hydration is MUST.
  • Keep an extra pair of Night wear by your Bed side, so that you can quickly change and get comfortable again after an episode of Hot Flash and go back to sleep instead of shivering in wet clothes and ending up being sick.


Menopause is also understood as a TRANSITION that our body undergoes, and hence it is also referred to as “THE CHANGE OF LIFE” – But these changes bring in some not so pleasant fluctuations that seem very challenging to manage. Thus, when Hormones undergo a Change, the Body reacts in Different ways – and this difference is experienced as “Hot Flashes” – Since there is no escaping from menopause and Awareness of is the key to ensure a smooth transition through menopause. We women need to…

  • To Educate Ourselves
  • To be Aware of their Bodily Changes
  • Be ready to Face these Changes
  • Challenge Menopause with a Healthy and Smart Style of Life.
  • Always remember – Menopause is not a DISEASE, it’s a phase ~ It too shall Pass.
Make your way towards a…Beautiful Womanhood with Transformed OPTIMISM

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