Emotional Fragility: Mood Swings

Time and again we are told to “Dance to the Rhythm of LIFE” and we do – The changing beats of life forever keep us busy and going — But things change in our late 40s & early 50s – For many women, Life gets chaotic when “Menopausal Music” is played – Not many are ready to DANCE to this NEW BEAT of LIFE – Wondering Why?

Let me assure you that Menopause is not a Disease and neither is a Woman afraid of this NEW BEAT – However, DANCING to this NEW BEAT becomes difficult because no one has TIME to share with HER, the STEPS to this Dance of Life 😦

UNAWARENESS grips a woman during this phase – Putting an end to her GRACEFUL DANCE.

A woman who has been gracefully dancing to every NEW PHASE of LIFE finds the “Menopause Phase” the most difficult of all challenges because no one has given her a clarity of what is expected of her in these times … The confused & lost woman feels incompetent 😦

While her outer world is CHANGING (At 50 most women are dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome), the woman has very little idea that her inner world too is changing – The hormones are undergoing a SHIFT in her BODY and messing up with her state of Mind.

But most women feel that her breaking down is a result of her Empty Nest – With her child, no longer with her, the empty house is making HER EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE !

SHE needs HELP !

To gracefully Dance and enjoy this NEW BEAT, the Gift of Awareness must be handed to HER – This article serves to be that GIFT – A few suggestions on how to Dance to this New Rhythm of LIFE are shared in this Post – But first let us get to know the Scientific Connects behind a woman’s confused state of Mind.

The unavoidable changes in the hormones and natural decline of estrogen levels during menopause can significantly affect a Woman’s health for years to come…Research shows that Estrogen depletion can lead to changes in the brain and nervous system. Physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, mixed with cognitive changes, such as irritability and memory loss, can create more opportunities for EMOTIONAL FRAGILITY.

As I mentioned earlier, most often, menopause coincides with Empty Nest Syndrome and for Working Women – the challenges are doubled – For them, the phase also coincides with a plateau in their career graph and some are also on the verge of retirement.

Many women set themselves up for a Self-Appraisal during this time … Appraisal is nice but many times, it is the reason for things to fall apart – simply because REALITY isn’t always appealing and acceptable 😦

For most women, this evaluation or realization reveals that their life has been limited to satisfying other roles of our life. They have been living a life of a Daughter, Wife, Daughter-In –Law, Mother, and nothing more. Most women also feel annoyed and upset and start questioning their existence, their contributions, their career, marriage, motherhood. LIFE becomes a BIG MYSTERY – a Puzzle that makes no sense to HER … Women feel that they have lost their “TRUE IDENTITY”

Lost Identity Syndrome” sets in for most women.

Many women might think, “I am indeed a very STRONG WOMAN and I will not breakdown when menopause strikes.” It’s indeed a privilege to know that you are a Woman of Substance – Strong & Confident. However, I have no means to scare you when I say that, it has been found that even the STRONGEST of women can become Emotionally Fragile during their Menopausal Phase.

The once “Strong Lady” that once helped everyone achieve WONDERS is now all lost and broken – Her identity lost in the spirals of LIFE – The impossible became possible – Menopause is indeed mysterious but with the RIGHT APPROACH – it can be a Game Changer for any Woman.

STEP 1 ~ Right Connect !

We WOMAN needs to know that – There is NOTHING wrong in the CHOICES made by us earlier in LIFE – We did the BEST in the MOMENT – Every Decision was PERFECT and that this low state of MIND is a Consequence of Hormonal Shifts taking place in our BODY…and this too is PERFECT – We are merely experiencing MOOD SWINGS ( one of the many symptoms associated with Menopause.

Emotional Fragility and Mood Swings may sound scary, but in reality, it is a piece of cake if we understand the Serotonin-Estrogen Relation.

STEP 2 ~ Be aware !

Time for some Learnings – Know the relation between Serotonin & Estrogen – Serotonin also known as the “Happy Hormone” is a must for us to embrace the Right Connects – SEROTONIN is the primary Brain Chemical which regulates our mood and gives us an overall sense of well-being.

Also, there is a direct correlation between a woman’s Estrogen levels and the Serotonin levels in her brain. Let’s Do the Math and solve some Equations now.

During perimenopause and menopause both estrogen and progesterone levels are shifting, and this in turn oscillates the serotonin levels in our brain. Our body undergoes what we call the “SEROTONIN-ESTROGEN” dance.

When these levels are BALANCED, we are happy and content in life and we also sleep peacefully. We not only feel Secure and Safe, but Serotonin makes us feel Stress-Free, Hopeful and Optimistic in Life ❤

However, when the estrogen levels fall, Serotonin levels are altered. Low level of Serotonin makes a woman short-tempered and frustrated – small obstacles seem “TOO BIG” for her to overcome – Lack of sleep, due to erratic hot flashes increases STRESS, making life miserable and grim for the woman. Craving for sweets, chocolates, junk food and alcohol are also experienced by some women.

Women ought to remember that the ups and downs of Serotonin levels are making HER “Emotionally Fragile

STEP 3 ~ Accept Truth !

Research shows that when serotonin decreases, women begin to feel “blue” or experience MOOD SWINGS ~ The Emotional Roller coaster forces upon her many different challenges – The ups excite HER and the downs scare HER – Life seems to be forever entangled in this chaotic rollercoaster ride 😦

Things get more challenging when TRUTH is revealed – There no escape from this Roller Coaster Ride but the HAPPY NEWS is that there is a Smart way out 🙂

Before we enter this ROLLERCOASTER of menopause we, women should work upon ourselves and strengthen our BODY, MIND & also the INNER SELF – which means we have to make ourselves OPTIMISTIC in all areas of LIFE ❤

HEALTHY & STRONG we must be before life puts us on the Rollercoaster – This is the only way to enjoy the ride and get back to Graceful Dancing – One that makes us COME ALIVE.

STEP 4 ~ Eat Smart !

Some suggestions to get you started on this New Project of strengthening YOURSELF. Most important pointer is that – Women should integrate NATURAL METHODS of elevating mood in their Daily Lifestyle…Eat Right & Stay Healthy 🙂


Tryptophan, an amino acid converts to Serotonin in the brain – Some Food Options of Tryptophan – Fish, Chicken, Cottage Cheese, Nuts, Cheese, Eggs, And Beans all contain generous levels of Tryptophan

Salmon is a Good Choice of FISH as it also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty (Beneficial for the skin, heart, and bones) and Vitamin D (vital for HEALTHY BONES)

NUTS provide the PERFECT replacement for salmon for those who prefer a vegetarian diet…Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, and Almonds

Turkey, Poultry & Eggs – Full of Tryptophan and Good sources of PROTEIN. One needs to eat more Protein after the age of 50 (around the very time when Menopausal Phase starts for a Woman)

Soy Products – Tofu & Soy Milk are excellent options for vegans and vegetarians. Also, Soy Beans can be used to add variety to Meals.

Milk, Cheese & Cottage Cheese – Excellent sources of Tryptophan and also rich in CALCIUM (Healthy Bones & Teeth) – Besides, Vitamin D activates tryptophan – Remember this Connect…and always make sure to choose Low fat options

Fruits like Bananas, Kiwi, Pineapple, Passion fruit, pomegranates and Strawberries all contain serotonin. Pineapple is an excellent choice for two reasons – One, it contains plenty of tryptophan to boost serotonin in the brain and secondly pineapple is full of bromelain, helps control inflammation – Drink Pineapple Juice and you will feel the Difference.

Take away Pointer ❤

Conversion of Tryptophan to Serotonin works best when consumed in combination with a complex carbohydrate. Eating foods rich in Complex Carbohydrates can help to raise your levels of serotonin, thereby alleviating depression and Mood Swings Symptoms Hence, Eating a Balanced Diet must always be your GOAL  

STEP 5 ~ Live Happy !

Socializing is an excellent way to sharpen your memory and cognitive skills – thus we must always have time for ENTERTAINMENT in our LIFE – Some suggestions to get you started on you track of Happiness and Well-being 🙂


Exercise and Leisure Activities keep us Stress Free- Helping us uplift our mood.  Start participating in Recreational and Social Activities to stay Positively engaged…Make sure you choose what excites you not what everyone is doing – Make your CHOICE.

Be a DREAMER – You can use the FREE TIME available to you to accomplish your unfulfilled dreams – Start a New Venture, Pursue Further Education or Career Goals…Do whatever makes you feel accomplished.

Be a LEARNER – Devote yourself in learning something innovative…I know, this may not be on your mind because you are experiencing Memory Loss – Learning can be SLOW but always remember that learning never goes a waste – Give yourself a NEW CHANCE.

Natural Sunshine is your FRIEND – Make sure to soak in the warmth for a few minutes each Day – Easiest way to BOOST Serotonin levels in the body…You could pick up Gardening with your Spouse.

Pamper Yourself – Unwind in ways that make you FEEL SPECIAL. Sometimes simple things like a visit to the parlor for a massage can elevate your mood. Go for it…LOVE yourself – You are Totally Worth it !

Time for Hobbies – Now you have all the TIME to INVEST on your HOBBIES – Start a New Hobby or continue the one you had in your young days –- Photography, Graphics, Writing or Fashion styling…the list is endless.

  • If WRITING has been on your mind, this is your CHANCE – Start a blog, TRUST ME, it’s the best way to keep yourself MOTIVATED.
  • If you are a LOVER of BOOKS – You could join a BOOK CLUB and/or read books of your choice and keep your self-inspired.
  • If you are interested in Photography – You can invest in a camera and experiment with light at your free time – Online learnings and Photography clubs are a great option.

Take away Pointer ❤

Work & Relations – Both are IMPORTANT and so are YOU – Never compromise on your ME Time” – YOU are PRECIOUS – Make this the Mantra of your LIFE. Add an ELEMENT of FUN to your Life…Be it with your FRIENDS or FAMILY – You truly deserve to BRING back the spark in your life.

Dancing to this NEW Rhythm of LIFE is no longer a “BIG DEAL” when you are aware of the DANCE STEPS…



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