We all want to live an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE but we are not willing to take the Highway that can get us to our Goal – wondering why – Because we haven’t really care to know what denotes an “Extraordinary Life” – Today I share with you a thought-provoking connect – One that will make you SMILE and also help you take the Road to Excellence.

Living an Extraordinary Life is a privilege only a few get to enjoy – because it involves “Simplicity of Life” and sadly many of us have got used to living a Complicated Life. Sadly, this is the REALITY of our LIFE . Time and again, it is seen that “Simplicity” just doesn’t seem to attract us and hence we miss out on the “Extraordinary Life” that awaits us around the corner.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Here’s a story, I would like to share before we can unravel the secret to Extraordinary Life…The story orbits around Guru Nanak and his companion Bhai Mardana. Bhai Mardana was a long-time companion of Guru Nanak Dev ji – They were childhood friends and Baba Nanak had spent the longest time with him – Almost 50 Years or so…

Bhai Mardana accompanied Guru Nanak Dev on his travels to various parts of the world – Both spent ample time discussing LIFE and its Mysteries – Bhai Mardana was curious and always had questions on his mind.

Bhai Mardana ji’s curiosity has GIFTED us MANY LESSONS OF LIFE – I say so because, Guru Nanak Dev ji never stopped Bhai Mardana from questioning, instead Guru ji would always answer them through life experiences. Stories of these experiences help us comprehend the Truth of LIFE.

It was during one such conversation, that gifted, mankind the secret to Extraordinary Life.

One afternoon Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana were resting on the banks of the Ganges at Patna. It was their BREAK TIME from the long journeys they both took together. The rest much needed, but Bhai Mardana, as always, seemed disturbed.

As with all of us, when disturbed, we play with things around us, Bhai Mardana too found himself fidgeting and then his attention was drawn to a stone he had picked up along the road. He sat idly inspecting that stone.

Bhai Mardana was fond of Guru Nanak’s way of sharing Messages of Life to his followers. He was amazed at the large crowds that came to hear Baba ji’s sermons but, today a thought had been bothering him for a long time…This time he wanted to clarify some queries that kept knocking on his mind…and then all of a sudden, he approached Guru ji.

He asked Guru Nanak Dev ji – “Baba ji. You have a fabulous way of TEACHING and many come to you asking for LIBERATION and how can one LIVE their LIFE – But many of those who listen to YOU still seem to spend much of their time in conflict, and in seeking out excitement and other idle pursuits. Why do they waste away their Precious Time living an Ordinary Life, when you have taught them the Art of Liberation one – that can gift them the much desired Extraordinary Life…?

Guru Nanak Dev ji smiled and said – “Human Life is Precious but is not lived well because most people don’t recognize ITS VALUE ! Knowledge isn’t enough, unless we attach significance to the lessons we learn in LIFE

Bhai Mardana replied, “Surly everyone can see the “Value of Life” why is it so difficult. I don’t seem to get what you are saying Baba Ji”

Guru ji knew that Bhai Mardana won’t be satisfied unless the learnings are grasped well and so Guru ji explained further saying that “Each man places his OWN VALUE on things according to what HE THINKS.”

Guru ji endorsed the Subjective Connect associated with “Values”, asserting that Different Man with Different Knowledge will place a Different Value. That stone you found in the dirt will make a GOOD EXAMPLE. Take it to the marketplace and see what you can get for it…Don’t sell it, just get it valued by Different People.

Bhai Mardana was puzzled but had FAITH in Guru ji and so decided to check for himself the “Value Connect”.

Bhai Mardana took the STONE to the marketplace to check its worth – His first stop was a “Confectionery Stall” – He asked what the vendor would trade for it. The man laughed. “Go away, you’re wasting my time.”

The harsh reply of the vendor disturbed Bhai Mardana, but he wasn’t angry and decided to go to the next shop – this time he approached a “Vegetable Seller” – Upon asking the worth, the vendor replied that “I’ll give you an onion for it, just to get you out of here.”

Saddened, he was, but Bhai Mardana continued his quest. He tried different shops and yet no POSITIVE RESPONSE …Finally he came to a “Jewelry shop. The jeweler by the name of Salis Rai welcomed Bhai Mardana and asked him to show the STONE.

Salis Rai was surprised to see what lay in front of him and then he said to Bhai Mardana “I’m sorry, I don’t have ENOUGH MONEY to buy your gem. I will give you a HUNDRED RUPEES if you will let me just look at it a while longer.

To be able to look at the STONE even for a few more minutes was totally worth paying according to Salis Rai. Bhai Mardana was now more than confused and hurried back to the Guru Nanak Dev ji to share his experiences of what had happened in the market place.

Guru Nanak smiled and said, “See, Mardana, how when we are ignorant we mistake a Valuable Gem for a worthless stone. If someone had told you its value before you knew what it was, you would have thought they were crazy. Such a Jewel is Human Life, and whatever you’ve traded for it, that is what is yours.

We decide the Worth of an object as per our Knowledge” – While the others vendors had no idea of the Preciousness of this Jewel, the jeweler was aware of its WORTH and knew how PRECIOUS it is and hence offered to pay a price, just to have a CLOSER LOOK at it – Such is the Value of Human Life – Precious and yet recognized only by a few among the many who come to listen to my sermons…said Guru ji

A simple life experience can teach us so many wonderful connects – I can almost visualize Bhai Mardana’s state of mind to have himself comprehended how Values impact the Decisions of LIFE. To get a better understanding of how I can live an “Extraordinary Life”, I delved deeper into the concept of Values.

I was introduced to many facets of Values and how our “Values” can gift us the LIFE of our DREAMS – It is studied that every individual grows up with a set of Values and it is these values that govern their Decision-Making process – also seen is that people embrace values of their particular culture because that’s what they have seen all their life – Our Parents also contribute towards the Values we identify to be “RIGHT”.

Values are deep rooted and thus many a times, when we act in a particular way and are questioned about the “WHY” to this particular act, we have no clue – This is because we are on “Auto Pilot” with respect to “Values”… Let us know that Values exist, whether we recognize them or not, and that they are the Triggers to our Decisions in Life…and never must we forget that “Values” can be DIFFERENT for each one of us.

Upon reflection, I anchored myself to this lesson ~ “To each its own is the Value System and whatever Values we embrace direct us to act in one way or another”

The realization set me thinking – I found myself reflecting on life situations when people with different values come together – Often these situations resulted in fights, due to Value Clashes…Each person acting in accordance to their Value System can lead to chaos because each one is PERFECT in their respective positions.

Does that mean that people with Different Values cannot be Friends…Can there be a Chaotic free relationship between Life Partners if they have Different Values.

The answer is “YES” – Reflecting upon our Values and Respecting the values of others can help solve the issue…what truly matters is to work with our values and help them direct us RIGHT ❤

Hence, the FIRST STEP to living an Extraordinary life is to shut down the “Auto Pilot” mode of our Value system. Reflect and Evaluate to see if our Values are guiding us RIGHT – Remember, you picked these values from others and so if others are seeking an Ordinary Life – these Values suit them FINE – But should you find your Values coming in the way of your Extraordinary Life – YOU can always redefine your Values.

“Great values are built on strong moral foundations. Men become great when they allow these values to take root within their souls and live by them.” – Lincoln Patz

When we work with our Values, it helps us discover what’s truly IMPORTANT to US because “Value” specifies a relationship between a Person and a Goal. Only when we attach a Value to something, can we really appreciate its TRUE WORTH…and so if we wish to live an “Extraordinary life” – we now know where to START.

The word “extraordinary” means “beyond the ordinary,” something that makes us “STAND OUT

If we want to live Extraordinary, then our Values also need to be “Beyond the Ordinary” – which denotes that we must sit down with ourselves and define the Values that we have been following in our Life…any ordinary mindset must be discarded – We must STOP wasting time on the Ordinary & Nonsensical matters (Gossips/Fights/debates/) and focus on the Extraordinary aspects of life (Love/ Compassion/Humanity)

“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.” ~ Nathan W. Morris

Making a conscious effort to identify our values is important because it is what gifts us an Extraordinary Life – We need to start with our Top-Priority values, and make sure that they fit with OUR LIFE and OUR VISION for ourselves living an Extraordinary Life.

I leave you with a quote to ponder upon – “Human tragedies: We all want to be extraordinary and we all just want to fit in. Unfortunately, extraordinary people rarely fit in.” ~ Sebastyne Young

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