Silent Dangers ~ Risks After Menopause

Menopause, no doubt is “Nature’s Blessing in Disguise” for all women. It helps HER reach a stage in life where we can explore a more significant and meaningful lifetime for HERSELF … and yet there is something that SHE needs to know – Today’s post talks about the “DANGERS” that might get entry into a Woman’s Life after Menopause !

It is often found that when a woman reaches post-menopause, she will regain a sense of control over her body because the hormonal variations have now more or less stabilized. It’s her time to CELEBRATE her victory over Menopause. SHE has crossed the Menopausal Finish Line and is all pepped to take back “Total Control” of her Days.

How exciting would be that PHASE !
To have crossed the dreadful Finish Line ❤

But I guess, sometimes this is not how it all ends – Just when the victory has been achieved and the woman is all set to enjoy this feeling of Freedom and Liberty, a twist comes in her life and she is in for a “Rude Shock” ~ There are may be some dangers which are silently creeping towards HER…

There is no need to feel miserable again. First Congratulate Yourself that you have proved stronger and smarter during the menopausal phase and now be ready to face head on with these “Silent Dangers” that may creep in your life…

Mind you the word here is “MAY BE ” ❤
A little vigilance from your side will do the trick.

Menopause has a STRONG link with Hormones – We have been LEARNING that all through the last few articles – The fact that the ovaries have officially SHUT DOWN and there is less estrogen circulating in the bloodstream has its consequences.

Lack of estrogen leads to some complications in a women’s life. Some of the body’s functions aren’t as well regulated and she is now at increased risk of certain illnesses like Osteoporosis, Blood Disorders, Heart Disease, Stroke, and Breast Cancer. Let us comprehend the primary reasons for these risk factors.

Why are women prone to increasing risk for osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis occurs when bones become too weak and brittle to support normal activities. Our body constantly undergoes a process of bone remodeling through a process called bone resorption and deposition. Estrogen helps prevent bone loss and works together with calcium, vitamin D and other hormones and minerals to build bones.

Till the age of 30, our body continues this process, but once estrogen levels start to decline, this process slows. Thus, after menopause, our body breaks down more bone than it rebuilds. Women are at increased risks of hip fracture, broken arms, and broken legs, all of which are asymptomatic, until a fracture occurs.

It is estimated that, on average, women lose up to 10 % of their bone mass in the first five years after Menopause. To reduce your risk of osteoporosis, one must EAT a diet rich in Calcium and do regular weight-bearing exercise. These lifestyle habits are best started younger in life to get the most benefit.

Why are some women anemic during their menopausal phase?

The pattern of menstrual cycle and the consistency of menstrual flow changes as a woman change gets closer to menopause. The interval between the menstrual periods may also fluctuate – with gaps increasing as the years pass by.

Women often experience a cycle of heavy and light menstrual flow during their Menopausal years. This can be attributed to the slowing down of the function of the ovaries which results in an anovulatory cycles in which eggs are not released. This may result in a lighter period. However, because the ovaries are still producing estrogen, it causes the lining of the uterus to thicken. Progesterone, released by the egg, causes the uterus to slough off that lining, resulting in a menstrual period. When no egg is released the lining continues to thicken until the next “normal” cycle during which the women experiences heavy bleeding (Blood Clots)

Heavy bleeding and/or the passage of many or large blood clots can lead to anemia...also one should discuss it with their doctor as the blood clots could be related to something other than menopause.

Heavier, clotty periods can also be a sign of gynecologic problems that occur frequently in midlife women. These include uterine fibroids (common muscular tumors in the uterus) and endometrial polyps (benign growths of the uterine lining). It is always BEST to get yourself examined and also make sure your anemia is being treated with Iron Supplements.

Why are women at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases after menopause?

High levels of Cholesterol is one of the main factors that lead to Heart Diseases and Strokes. Estrogen, is responsible for reducing cholesterol in our body thereby providing protection to women all through their lives. With a drop in the estrogen levels with menopause, the risks for developing heart disease, including high cholesterol, clogged arteries, heart attack, and stroke increases.

Women should watch out for the early warning signs that may occur in women who may be developing heart diseases. Fatigue, chest pain, insomnia, difficulty in breathing, pain in the neck and shoulder area, stomach indigestion, high blood pressure and nausea are some silent knocks that need to be given attention.

Why is stroke a matter of concern for women?

During the 10 years after menopause, the risk of stroke roughly doubles in women. Estrogen levels decline by 60% during the menopausal transition, leading to a relative androgen excess, which could contribute to the increased risk. Low ow levels of estrogen in the body affect the LDL level, which is dangerous to health.

Difficulty in walking straight, numbness in one part of the body headaches, difficulty in speaking and loss of balance are some of the early warning signs of developing stroke…be aware and vigilant.

Why are women prone to increasing risk for BREAST CANCER?

Estrogen can sometimes stimulate BREAST CANCER CELLS and cause them to grow…The risk is linked to amounts of Estrogen our body is exposed to. For example, if a woman started having periods at a young age and experienced the menopause later than average, she would have been exposed to Estrogen over a longer period of time. In the same way, not having children or having children later in life may slightly increase the risk of developing breast cancer because the body’s exposure to Estrogen was not interrupted by pregnancy.

I would like to discuss a bit about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – There is a lot of misconception regarding HRT – Many studies on HRT published over the past 15 years highlight the potential risks of HRT – that it can lead to Breast cancer and thus some women and doctors have been reluctant to use HRT. But recent evidence says that the risks of HRT are small and are usually outweighed by the benefits.

The main advantage of HRT is that it can help relieve most Menopausal Symptoms, such as Hot Flushes/Night Sweats/Mood Swings/Vaginal Dryness/Reduced Sex Drive. Osteoporosis is more common after the menopause. HRT can also help prevent thinning of the bones, which can lead to fractures due to Osteoporosis and so HRT can be GOOD.

What needs to be known here is that the risk depends on the type of HRT you take, how long you take it and your own health risks. Research shows that there is no increased risk of Breast Cancer if the woman takes HRT for less than 1 year. One must always keep HEALTH to be their “Top Priority” and so always consult your gynae if you’re thinking about starting HRT or you’re already taking it, and you’re worried about any risks.

Gift Yourself a “Healthy You”

Once you recognize these “Silent Dangers” that may harm your Health, you should start paying more attention to looking after yourself. You should Exercise, Eat Nutritious Food, and undergo an Annual Health Check-Up so that your physician can identify any potential diseases that may be creeping up silently…Always remember YOUR TRUE SELF ~ you are not any ordinary woman you are a Woman of Strength who never gives up on her life.

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows that it is in the journey where she will become strong.” ~ Luke Easter

Happy Living !!!!!

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