Powerful Living : Managing your Risks

Women are known for their multitasking abilities – From their mommy duties to the boardroom meeting, they are always on the go…however, this versatile attitude of a woman becomes the most challenging aspect in life during her Menopausal years… Join me today, and together, let us learn how, a woman can be POWERFUL when life throws her a “Googly

We have been learning about Menopause for SE7EN weeks – The stages of menopause, the challenges and risks have all been understood – we now need to know how to come out STRONG & POWERFUL from this unavoidable phase of LIFE.

Today’s post will echo on the aspects of “Powerful Living” – one that makes a Woman embrace her TRUE SELF and work towards her STRONGER SELF. No doubt, most women are well versed in overcoming challenges and yet when faced with a Googly, chances are SHE falls apart and isn’t very confident of her SELF 😦

GooglyTo present someone with a question, situation, or piece of information that is surprising or unexpected. Taken from cricket, in which a “googly” is a ball thrown counter to that which the batsman expects. Primarily heard in UK.

When Menopause knocks on a woman’s door – She feels Exposed – simply because her younger self, one that was used to multitasking is now challenged for not being able to work efficiently on a single task – the task of multitasking overwhelms her – she feels unworthy, but unworthy SHE is not – and it is her family who needs to remind her of this REALITY – and that to, not just once but many times because Menopause weakens her Memory.

Family Support is of utmost importance in this Phase of LIFE – But most families fail to comprehend this Reality and thus, we women have to STEP UP for ourselves – As I write the words of Hillary Clinton come to my mind…

“Women are always being tested … but ultimately, each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job we can to grow into it.” ~ Hillary Clinton

Women must be willing to accept Menopause and the fragility that accompanies it and never must SHE surrender to its fragility – She must be willing to Rise like a Phoenix – To emerge from a catastrophe Stronger, Smarter and More Powerful.

A woman needs to visualize herself as a Phoenix – forever believing that falling apart gives HER a reason to build something new…something more Beautiful and equally gracious.

I invite you to a Journey of Powerful Living – All you need to do is “Believe in your ability to rise from your own fallen ashes to become Brighter and more Beautiful than ever before. You can do that. You were born for that...”

To create for yourself what I call a POWERFUL LIVING, you need to first know the true meaning of it. It truly and most accurately means Living with POWER.

This power comes from a combination of Healthy Lifestyle, Adequate Exercise pattern and above all a Balance of not only physical and mental but also EMOTIONAL STRENGTH in life.


Women should not only work towards their OUTER BEAUTY but should give equal importance to their INNER SELF also. They should be in a POSITIVE and AFFIRMATIVE State to manage any risk that they may endure during their life. Emotions must be Balanced, if life has to flow with grace.

Here comes the question – How does one achieve this Balance – Answer quite SIMPLE – Emotional Balance simply denotes the ability to remain calm and clear-headed during a stressful situation or crisis.

Menopause is seen as a Crisis in our Society, thus maintaining Emotional Balance during this stage of Life is a Must.

EMOTIONS drive our BEHAVIOUR and our Emotions are often directed by our THOUGHTS…To maintain Poise between the THREE is what donates Emotional Balance

Disturbing Emotions hinder our ability to Focus and make Good Decisions but when we are Emotionally Balanced we respond to Negative Emotions without just getting stuck in them…we are sorted and accept Life to be a Mixed bag of Good & Bad days. Our Goal, then in Life. is to be “HAPPY” in all phases of LIFE.

There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of Being Happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Being Happy is a Must – Let us strive to make this the Purpose of our Everyday Life…which only means we must strive to be HEALTHY

Some reminders that can help a woman stay Health During and After Menopause.


Bone Care must start as early as possible – It is like a Bank Account, Deposits made in the RIGHT TIME yield benefits – Women and Young Girls should aim to build as much Bone Density as possible by age THIRTY by eating Balanced Meals. Eating Healthy helps build Calcium reserves.

Exercise must be an integral part of LIFE as it decreases the risk of osteoporosis by strengthening the bones. Walking, Dancing, Running, Stair Climbing, or using Weights to exercise are some of the ways to maintain a general wellbeing.

Women who are undergoing menopause should be “Extra Careful” – They need a higher intake of Calcium and Vitamin D after menopause to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Calcium Rich Foods: Excellent dietary sources of calcium include low fat dairy products (milk, cheese, and yoghurt), Nuts, dark green vegetables (broccoli, spinach) and Fish with bones in (sardines, salmon), fruits (prunes, figs)

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential because which helps the body to absorb calcium. Vitamin D, is also manufactured by the skin after exposure to sunlight Foods such as dairy products and eggs contain small quantities of vitamin D. 15 minutes of Sunshine on the face and arms, three times per week will meet your needs

Boron: It is a vital nutrient needed for bone development, growth and bone metabolism. It also helps keep the bones strong by decreasing the amount of calcium needed each day. Foods that are rich in boron include avocados, peanuts, peanut butter, grapes, raisins, legumes, nuts and fruits.

Lifestyle changes: Avoid taking in too much caffeine, as caffeine causes the body to not absorb calcium properly. Alcohol also leads to calcium loss from the bones.

A Suggestion for all Women
Routine Test: Women need to undergo a Bone Density Test every two years.


Eating a Healthy Diet of Balanced Nutrients is the Best approach – Women must choose a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole-grain, high-fiber foods, and fat-free and low-fat dairy most often…Always remember – “Prevention is better than Cure”

Fruits and vegetables help to cleanse the arteries and fiber helps decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the “BAD” cholesterol.

Saturated Fats can clog the arteries and increase cholesterol levels, intake must be reduced.

Oily fish, like salmon and mackerel, is Heart-Healthy option because of its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce your blood pressure and risk of developing blood clots.

Smoking is one of the factors that increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

A Suggestion for all Women
It’s never too late to stop smoking! Use this time in your life to start living a better healthier life.


Eating iron-rich foods will help ensure that you are getting enough iron in your daily diet, and decrease the chances of anemia. But Iron Health demands Right Food Combinations because Iron absorption is complicated process – Always remember that there are two challenges with respect to Iron absorption…

High fiber foods, such as whole grains, raw vegetables, and bran interfere with iron absorption and Drinks with caffeine interfere with iron absorption…so Choose well.

A Suggestion for all Women
To get a deeper understanding of Iron Health, I recommend this article.

Take Away Pointers

Healthy Diet, Regular Exercise and Emotional Wellbeing are the key ingredients to Powerful Living. Women who eat a HEALTHY DIET, EXERCISE and work towards balancing their EMOTIONS are able to manage their life in a better way and are more apt when it comes to protecting themselves against diseases such as Heart Disease and Osteoporosis.

Menopause is a phase that requires Care and Vigilance – However, let us never confuse it to be a DEAD END – Here’s a Quote for us women to REFLECT upon….

“For many women who have been caring for and putting others first, midlife is the time when there’s finally space to start thinking about you. You may feel compelled to make room for you, to live with greater purpose, or to answer the call to do something big in the world. It’s during this time that we can begin to define what LEGACY we want to leave.” ~ Terri Hanson

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