To October with Love !

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Menopause Society designated OCTOBER as World Menopause Month – But why October – Let’s find out through this Special Post !

This Month, I bring to you some very Special Connects associated with October & its Connectivity with Menopause. The month of October is spectacular. It witnesses the change in color of leaves from the fresh lively green, right through golden yellow, and then we get to see the bright shades of red and orange and finally they descend to a beautiful hue of a rusty brown.

When October comes, it reminds us of the Beauty of Life and of “Let Go” – the leaves fall and the trees though barren and yet ELEGANCE echoes through them.

In the falling of Leaves, there is Beauty & Grace.

The tree seems to enjoy this change and waits patiently for its New Beginning...The falling of leaves doesn’t frighten them – they are confident that the old must go for the new to come – the trees are ready for this change for they know – that this is just a Phase – and a NEW DAY will COME 🙂

Truly OCTOBER is…

The Season of CHANGES

The Season of SERENITY

The Season of JOY

Have you ever wondered what is OCTOBER and these CHANGES trying to teach us?

to embrace CHANGE with CALMNESS

Every Day, Every Moment, Every Nanosecond, the world changes for all of us. CHANGE is certainly not easy. More often, it is tough and challenging, but you know what, CHANGE is a good thing.

But we women don’t like CHANGE; we fight it, it scares us and sometimes we pretend CHANGE to be an illusion. We keep avoiding its existence…and this negligence makes matter worse for us when Menopause knocks on our Doors.

Women need to embrace the Changes of menopause with Calmness of the Mind and Stability of Emotions…and to be Emotionally stable requires a woman to be vigilant and always focused on the CHANGES that are on its way as LIFE progresses…

CHANGE makes us STRONG, keeps us RESILIENT, and teach us TO EVOLVE

Not to Worry, but to be watchful must be the approach during this phase in LIFE.

Menopause ~ October ~ Connectivity

If you have ever experienced the Wonders of October – You will agree that the Menopausal Years of a woman are very much like October !

  • Full of Changes dues to Hormonal Shifts
  • Drenched with Serenity for having done with Fears of Pregnancy
  • Filled with Joy as life turns a New Leaf

And thus, October perfectly deserves to be the Month of Menopausal Awareness…Women can connect with it gracefully … Full of Changes and Yet Beautiful is October and so are the Menopausal Years – Let’s WELCOME both with a BIG SMILE 🙂

“In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter, morning and evening—no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air.” Alexander Smith

Facts & Connects !

The first World Menopause Month was in October 2014. Ever since then a lot has been done to spread awareness and let women know that Menopause isn’t a Disease, but a phase in every women’s life – A natural part of Growing. Women need not fear Menopause, All that they must do is to always remember that…

Menopause is all about CHANGES ~~~

MENOPAUSE is an important turning point in our lives.

To many women, Menopause is still a Mystery but let me assure you that Menopause is a normal part of aging…Unfortunately, many women aren’t prepared for the CHANGES that comes with this NEW STAGE of life and thus most women enter this bewildering transition called Menopause with a lot of uncertainties and misconceptions.

Knowledge is Power” & Bewilderment is not a fun place to be – Women need to be their own healthcare advocates when it comes to managing their health in all aspects – Physically, Mentally and also Emotionally.  

By educating ourselves and our families about menopause, we can not only remove the stigma attached to this normal and healthy stage of womanhood, but we can empower ourselves to live Healthier Lifestyles. Instead of struggling through our phase of menopause or trying to hide from the realities of aging, we women can embrace this new stage of life with Assurance, Elegance and Consciousness.

So get started on with your Journey of awareness with confidence – Save yourself from a lot of unnecessary stress by knowing there is nothing to WORRY about. The entire set of 8 articles pertaining to Menopause in the series “Menopausal Mysteries” is a GIFT where you can access valuable information and tips on how to manage Menopause and maintain overall wellness.

After all Menopause is not the end of the world. It’s just a normal stage of womanhood. It’s indeed the beginning of a Beautiful Tomorrow. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and MENOPAUSE, in reality, is a ‘small stuff’ when compared to LIFE itself.

Take Away Connects ❤

I am of the faith that Life is too precious to be wasted in Confusion and Fear when it comes to Menopause and so let us rise above our Fears – Let us learn to look straight into the Eyes of the Demons that frightens us – October is the month of CHANGE and it also serves as the Menopause Awareness Month…Let us Embrace the Changes in our Life with Dignity & Grace.

“Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your Head High, look it squarely in the eye and say, ‘I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.” Ann Landers

Just as we welcome the Changing Seasons and Cherish their Beauty, similarly we should look forward to this phase in our life, which too shall pass.

Here is your Secret code…

This Too Shall Pass” is the “Neuro Connection” to ace MENOPAUSE.

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