Perfectly Precious Gift !

Perfect Gifts are Precious to us – Because they make us SMILE – But is every GIFT “Perfectly Precious” – Today post is all about the strategies that make it possible for us to be a receiver of PERFECT GIFTS all through LIFE.

The party is over and we sit to open the GIFTS – The glossy cover is removed and we eagerly wait for the GIFT to reveal itself – We all look forward to receiving the Perfect Gift – Each time with finger crossed we hope the GIFTS are in sync with our Mindset and our Secret Desires. Some of us also give hints to our loved ones about the gifts that will make us SMILE.

Gifts are expression of LOVE – Both the receiver and sender share a BOND of LOVE that gets strengthen when GIFTS are exchanged – Indeed the love for Gifts is Universal but not all GIFTS bring with themselves “Happy Connects” – You read it RIGHT – Not all Gifts can make us SMILE !

With the GIFT in our hands – we either SMILE or FROWN depending on the gift that was so dearly presented to us – Smile makes sense but why frown is the thought that set me THINKING !

Many a times we are not happy to receive GIFTS – The reasons can be many and varied – We may not like the gift we received or we did not get the gift on time and sometimes the gift reflected “Obligation” more than “LOVE” … and thus, for some of us our anxiety increases when time comes to OPEN Gifts…

I often wonder on the link between Gifts and Anxiety because to me Gifts are supposed to create a warm-fuzzy feeling, reflective of the sender’s love to the receiver… ❤ ❤ ❤

Life has shown me times when people get stressed when gifts are handed to them – I asked myself if GIFTS are associated with Happiness, then this sadness must be erased – The quest for the answers gifted me Fabulous Awareness concealed in a Shabad from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

My quest gifted me a Beautiful Answer & also a Fabulous Coincidence – A Shabad that is my all-time favourite had the answers concealed within – “Lakh Khushian Patshahian” – is a famous Punjabi Shabad – often sung during Happy Times of LIFE.

I love listening to this Shabad and have used it in many of my Video Projects as it had the perfect lyrics for any Happy Moment of LIFE…Before I share the connects to this Shabad and the secret to “Perfect Gifts”, I invite you to listen to the Shabad.

Lakh Khushian Patshahian is one of the most popular shabads of Sahib Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It is composed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Siree and is on Ang 44 in Guru Granth Sahib Ji…I am also sharing the lyrics with its meaning so that you can ENJOY the Shabad and comprehend its Value.

sireeraag mehlaa 5.
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

sabhay thok paraapatay jay aavai ik hath.
All things are received if the One is obtained.

janam padaarath safal hai jay sachaa sabad kath.
The precious gift of this human life becomes fruitful when one chants the True Word of the Shabad.

gur tay mahal paraapatay jis likhi-aa hovai math. ||1||
One who has such destiny written on his forehead enters the Mansion of the Lord’s Presence, through the Guru. ||1||

mayray man aykas si-o chit laa-ay.
O my mind, focus your consciousness on the One.

aykas bin sabh DhanDh hai sabh mithi-aa moh maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the One, all entanglements are worthless; emotional attachment to Maya is totally false. ||1||Pause||

lakh khusee-aa paatisaahee-aa jay satgur nadar karay-i.
Hundreds of thousands of princely pleasures are enjoyed, if the True Guru bestows His Glance of Grace.

nimakh ayk har naam day-ay mayraa man tan seetal ho-ay.
If He bestows the Name of the Lord, for even a moment, my mind and body are cooled and soothed.

jis ka-o poorab likhi-aa tin satgur charan gahay. ||2||
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny hold tight to the Feet of the True Guru. ||2||

safal moorat saflaa gharhee jit sachay naal pi-aar.
Fruitful is that moment, and fruitful is that time, when one is in love with the True Lord.

dookh santaap na lag-ee jis har kaa naam aDhaar.
Suffering and sorrow do not touch those who have the Support of the Name of the Lord.

baah pakarh gur kaadhi-aa so-ee utri-aa paar. ||3||
Grasping him by the arm, the Guru lifts them up and out, and carries them across to the other side. ||3||

thaan suhaavaa pavit hai jithai sant sabhaa.
Embellished and immaculate is that place where the Saints gather together.

dho-ee tis hee no milai jin pooraa guroo labhaa.
He alone finds shelter, who has met the Perfect Guru.

naanak baDhaa ghar tahaaN jithai mirat na janam jaraa. ||4||6||76||
Nanak builds his house upon that site where there is no death, no birth, and no old age. ||4||6||76||

The Shabad is soothing and always calms the Mind – and it has encrypted within itself the Secret to Perfectly Precious Gifts that help us stay Happy and Content all through LIFE. To reveal the secret, one needs to focus on the verse shared below –

lakh khusee-aa paatisaahee-aa jay satgur nadar karay-i.
Hundreds of thousands of princely pleasures are enjoyed, if the True Guru bestows His Glance of Grace.

“Human Life” is a Great Gift and we must all be grateful for it and live out Life to the Fullest and as one listens to this Shabad – one gets to know that though Human Life is a Beautiful Gift but the Most Precious Gift is the “Nadar” of God – One that makes it possible for us to LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST.

According to Sikhi Encyclopedia “Nadar” is a word commonly used in Punjabi which means “God’s Grace” or literally “in God’s Compassionate Vision” or “in His Merciful Periscope“.

In the Lakh Khushian Patshahian Shabad, Guru ji states us that BOUNDLESS JOY and HAPPINESS comes to those individuals on whom the Lord showers “HIS NADAR” or “HIS COMPASSIONATE GLANCE“.

Blessed Souls live their LIFE to the Fullest

As I reflected upon the lines and comprehended the entire Shabad, I understood that one needs to be graced by God to be Happy and that “Being Graced” is Preordained.

At first the conditional connects saddened me but I was confident that I was missing some crucial information because in my understanding, God is Kind and Compassionate and HIS LOVE cannot be conditional…My search continued and during one of the discourses I was gifted an insight that filled in the Missing Gaps for me.

I learnt that God loves us all and hence HE gifted us all a “Human Life” and many Wonders to Enjoy in His World…but sadly man got himself entangled in the Web of never ending Desires – Rat Races of Competitions and thus failed to perceive the “Lakhs of Princely Pleasures” (Lakh Khushian Patshahian) God had bestowed upon His beloved Child.

The discourse helped me comprehend that “Nadar” – “God’s Merciful Periscope” is the Gift we must ask God to gift us when HE blesses us with Human Life.

Connecting the DOTS, I came to realize that no doubt, Human Life is a Blessing but this Blessing can be appreciated and enjoyed when we have the Periscope of God’s Mercy…Just as the Periscope helps an observer can see things that are otherwise out of sight...God’s Mercy helps us see the Good in the Situations of LIFE…

The Periscope of Mercy, helps us to see the hardships of life to be a Blessing – Opportunities and not obstacles – We also learn the ART of looking for the Goodness concealed in Bad Incidences of LIFE ❤

God’s Mercy helps us stay POSITIVE in all phases of LIFE – Good Times are valued and Gratitude is expressed and Bad Times are cherished for in them we can now see the Good Concealed – Rejections don’t bother us because we know it was God’s way of saving us from Wrong Choices – Instead of being distressed, we learn to be Satisfied because we know that God’s Plan is always PERFECT.

LIFE is Treasured and every Moment is PRECIOUS 🙂

Life is Beautiful and yet there are MOMENTS that caused us Pain – But Each Moment and Each Day is a Gift from God – Human Life must be lived with acceptance of all Days – and that includes the Bad days as well – because in the end – when the Big Picture is revealed – it is the Combination of Both Good & Bad that makes our Life a Masterpiece ❤

I hope the awareness connected with you, my cherished Readers – God’s grace helps us accept the Good and Bad – BOTH with Gratitude – All Gifts received with this Mindset are appreciated and Cherished for we now know that Each Gift has a Purpose in our LIFE and its usability shall reveal to us when the timing is PERFECT !

With this attitude in LIFE – Can then any GIFT that we receive make us frown – Only Smiles and Smiles are now a part of our Life…So the next time, you set yourself up for opening a GIFT – Let your Soul ask for the most Precious Gift – The Gift of God’s Merciful Periscope before the wrappers are pulled …

“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the Most Beautiful.” — Sigmund Freud

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