Guru Kripa is a Sanskrit term that denotes “Grace of the Guru.” In Hinduism, Guru Kripa is considered a faster path to moksha, or liberation from the cycle of life, death and rebirth…and thus it would be perfect to say that when we are Graced by the Guru, we are liberated from the entanglements of Karmic Accounts.

Today’s article is a continuation from the last week’s Post – “Web of Entanglements” – Excited to know if Guru’s Kripa liberated the two Brothers from their Entanglements. Read on…

Part 2 – The story continues…

Taking over from where we left last week – The story of TWO BROTHERS who got entangled in the “Web of Wants” – Life was Beautiful for the Brothers – Bhai Balwand and Bhai Satta. NEEDS were being fulfilled but when WANTS overtook their NEEDS – Life became a Chaotic – Not only were they Mentally Sick – Physical Sickness made it difficult for them to provide the Basic essentials to LIVE…and then they set out to mend their errors.

Both brothers were embarrassed with their conduct toward Guru ji – With no friends and family, it was becoming difficult to survive – they now wanted to return to their duties and so a message was sent to the Guru through the mediators between them and the Guru but the Guru was not interested in meeting the slanderers.

Guru’s Grace is Precious for it can remove all obstacles in LIFE and also set us FREE from the Karmic Cycles – This is what exactly, the brothers were looking for and yet no opportunity to meet the Guru seemed to exist. The Guru has clearly stated HIS apathy in the Brothers.

How were the Brothers going to obtain Guru Kripa, because to receive “Guru’s Kripa” one must be a Devotee of the Guru, work in service to the Guru and be dedicated to a Spiritual Path. The Guru then bestows HIS GRACE by the Power of HIS PRESENCE…But the brothers had themselves disconnected from the Guru and so chances of being graced were slim 😦

Guru ji was strict in his command and also made it clear that – “If anybody is found helping them, their face will be blackened and they will be mounted on a donkey with a shoe necklace around their neck and be driven through all bazaars and streets of the city.”

The Severe Punishment stated by Guru ji prevented the Sikhs from going closer to the brothers. Bhai Balwand and Bhai Satta found themselves alienated from the Sikhs…No one was concerned in helping them by going against the Guru – All hopes came crashing down for now they were completely isolated.

Bhai Balwand and Bhai Satta wanted to be pardoned and yet they had no idea what should be done and then one day, someone advised them to go and meet Bhai Ladha of Lahore (A Sikh who was cherished by Guru Arjan Dev ji) – It was believed that only Bhai Ladha could convince the Guru to pardon the brothers,

With renewed HOPE, Bhai Balwand and Bhai Satta went to Lahore 🙂

Hearing their story Bhai Ladha said, “You have made a grave mistake by slandering the house of Guru Nanak. I am ready to help you but the Guru has laid down a very strict condition. He had said that one who helps you will have to face the consequences and ride a donkey with a blackened face and a shoe necklace around their neck.”

The brothers pleaded again and this time, Bhai Ladha agreed to help – He took on the punishment upon himself by blackening his face, wearing a garland of shoes and riding a donkey in public as stated by Guru ji. On the way to Amritsar from Lahore, Bhai Ladha was ridiculed and mistreated as people took him to be a thief who has been punished for his crime. However, Bhai Ladha continued the journey without any regrets and reached Guru Arjan Dev ji.

Upon seeing Bhai Ladha ji in this condition and hearing his touching request to pardon the brothers, Guru ji was overjoyed – He then ordered water to be brought and in front of the gatherers washed the blackened face of Bhai Ladha ji and embraced him.

Guru ji also bestowed Bhai Ladha with the title of “Bhai Ladha Parupkari”, which when translated denotes – One who is a Noble Person – Honest and Brave – Truly Benevolent. He then told Bhai Ladha that – “You are a great well-wisher of the poor, but these men had slandered the house of Guru Nanak. A slanderer of the house of Guru Nanak can’t be pardoned. If they want to be pardoned then they should praise the DIVINE THRONE of Guru Nanak with the same tongue with which they had spoken all those insulting words and only then could they be FORGIVEN

 “All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” ~ Sophocles

Bhai Satta and Balwand agreed to do this. They realized their mistake and were courageous to curb their Arrogance. At that very instance, they recited “Ramkali Ki Vaar” also known as “Satta ate Balwand Di Var” – The Vaar can be found in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 966 to 968. It was due to the reciting of this Vaar that their disease disappeared. Guru ji then pardoned them both and graced their Vaar. Guru ji said that whoever recites this Vaar with LOVE will also have their diseases vanish.

Both brothers wrote a Vaar in Praise of the Gurus. A total of 8 Verses were composed – The FIRST FIVE verses are written by Bhai Balwand ji and the LAST THREE are written by Bhai Satta ji…The entry of the Vaar in the SGGS establishes the open-mindedness of Guru Arjan Dev ji – The singers of Guru enjoy “Equal Place and Status” in the HOUSE of Guru – Guru ji made Bhai Balwand ji and Bhai Satta ji immortal and respectable forever.

The brothers continued to recite the Kirtan daily and punctually in the Darbar of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, the 6th Sikh Guru.  One day when they were reciting Asa Di Vaar (Morning Kirtan) in the presence of Sri Hargobind Singh ji and the congregation, both of them took their last breath together. Guru Hargobind Singh ji performed the last rituals with his own hands and BLESSED both brothers with the boon of merging in the feet of Almighty…Bhai Balwand and Bhai Satta received Guru Kripa and attained Liberation.

Bhai Balwand ji & Bhai Satta ji awakened us – They revealed to us the impact of Arrogance and Greed in our LIFE – By permitting the Demon of Arrogance to guide us, we are asking for Adversity. The demon casts a veil on us and then we are unable to see the Goodness of Life – Arrogance invites Greed and then our WANTS escalate.

We with our own choices sabotage our Happy Life.

Take Away Message ❤

The LIFE of these TWO BROTHERS is a GREAT Example for us to hold on to in the ups and Downs of life. Let us always remember that “Guru’s Grace” is a precious gift and nothing else is of significance in this fleeting world.

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