At the core of most major religions, there is spiritual wisdom that echoes on the philosophy that GOD resides in ALL and yet many of us are just not interested in this TRUTH – Ever wondered WHY – because we are so busy playing the Game of Hide & Seek. The Games keeps us entangled and also prevent our children from living a “True Life” – If you are a Parent who wants their child to live with CONFIDENCE, then this Post is for YOU !

BITTER but TRUE it is that Blindfolded we continue our QUEST in the Journey of LIFE – We LISTEN only to IGNORE and thus continues LIFE for all Generations – and every generations ends up feeling lost and gloomy – Questioning isn’t encouraged because we ourselves have no answers – If we wish to GIFT our CHILDREN the LEGACY of TRUE LIVING – One that is filled with CONFIDENCE, we must be willing to Contemplate and delve deep within the “Thoughts” that run through our Mind and CHECK if they are leading us RIGHT…and this means we must Learn to QUESTION !

A Beautiful Snippet from Baba Nanak ji’s life serves as the Guiding Light today…helping us Comprehend the many Missing Links of our Mind.

The Hindu Culture has a very SPECIFIC EVENT known as “Upanayanam” in which the young boy is invested with the Sacred Thread that marks the Start of a NEW LIFE. The Ceremony takes place between the ages of six and twelve to mark the transition to a greater Religious Awareness and Responsibility. The ceremony also goes by the name “Janeu” – The significant aspect is that this “Sacred Thread” is a passport to obtain education and a prerequisite for marriage. Without it no man can dream of getting a bride for him.

In Hinduism, the society is divided in basic 4 Caste – Brahmans – The Priestly Class/ Kshatris – The Militant Class/ Vaisyas – The Trading Class/ Sudars – The Working Class (LOWEST of all).

To be NOTED – As per the Scriptures, this Ceremony of Janeu is ONLY FOR BOYS from the TOP THREE SOCIAL CLASSES.

The CEREMONY being an important milestone was organized for Baba Nanak as well…

It was a day of Great Festivity for the family, and everyone was excited. Cheerfulness was in the air as the only son of the family, Nanak, would be given the sacred thread. The family Priest, Pundit Hardyal, was asked to come prepared for the rituals to take place in the early hours of the day. Relatives from near and far, as well as, friends and almost everyone in the village were invited to participate in the event and enjoy the feast.

Young Nanak was a curious child and asking questions was his way of Life – He desired logical explanations to what was being done in the Society and around him. His curiosity directed him to his elder sister Nanaki. He thought as she was the eldest, she would help him understand the ceremony on a deeper level. The sister replied that she had no idea as she was not entitled to it and that it would be best to check with the parents as even their mother did not wear a “Sacred Thread

Now the young Nanak was all the more curious to know why his sister and mother weren’t entitled for the so called “Sacred Thread”. He rushed to his father to seek some clarifications regarding the events that were lined up for the next day…His father being busy in the preparations asked him to rush his queries. Nanak once again inquired about the Sacred Thread and why is it only for the Male sections of the society. His father was honest and said that he had no explanations for the Ceremony being entitled only to a Boy Child.

In those times, no one questioned the elders and all ceremonial rituals were performed without any explanations and so the father had nothing to justify – However, this did not STOP Baba Nanak… Young Nanak was wanted to know all the REASONS before getting ahead with the Ceremony…He asked his father if he could question the Pandit…To which his father said – “I think that is best thing to do. Pandits are the most learned persons in our community and our Pandit Hardyal will be able to answer all your questions”.

Nanak was HAPPY for he now had someone who could provide answers to the many questions that came to his mind…

Pundit Hardyal was well aware of Baba Nanak’s curiosity and hence came prepared with answers…When he arrived for the Ceremony, he was greeted with great respect. The sacred fire was lit and the chanting of verses from the Hindu religious books commenced. Everyone gathered around the fire. Pundit Hardyal asked Nanak to come to him and sit by his side so that the investiture of the sacred thread could commence…But Young Nanak expressed his wish to get clarity before the Ceremony.

Young Nanak said – “I want to enjoy the Whole Ceremony and so allow me to ask you these questions before you start the Ceremony”

Pundit Hardyal started addressing the audience and shared all details of the Ceremony and went on to stress that this ceremony was denoted as a Boy Child’s Second Birth. In this second birth the Goddess of Knowledge, Savitri is the mother and teacher, the Brahmin Guru is the father. One who has not been initiated cannot read or pronounce any Vedic text. The Pandit added that only after the Ceremony can Young Nanak have access to the treasure of the Vedas and other religious books. Saying this Pandit Hardyal started to recite verses from Hindu religious texts.

The bulk of the audience did not understand the verses but they bowed their heads in respect and awe of the scriptures. Pandit Hardyal was impressed with this act of audience. He also saw that Young Nanak was listening very attentively imbibing each and every word and seems to have understood him very well.

Pandit Hardyal went on to add that the knowledge that he just shared was from the ancient scriptures and that one should never ever question the scriptures. Anyone who questions them will not only go to hell himself but his entire family and next seven generations are also doomed. He then discussed all the details of this Sacred Thread and added that as per the Hindu Shastras even Gods are powerless before the curse of a Brahmin and Blessings of Brahmin can force the Gods to give you all favours”.

As Pandit Hardyal was saying all this, from the corner of the eye, he looked at the audience and noticed that the “Fear of Curse” was visible on their faces. However, he also noticed that it did not have any impact on Young Nanak who was Smiling.

The pandit was now curious to know the reason for his SMILE and addressed Nanak in a very affectionate manner asking him if all his doubts about the sacred thread were sorted…“Not really”, replied Young Nanak.

The Pandit said – “Ask me any question you have in your mind.”

The question that most bothered Young Nanak was why do women do not get this Sacred Thread. The pandit smiled and replied that women get it indirectly after marriage… At that time of Marriage, the to be husband receives a “Sacred Thread” for his wife. The pandit said that it is laid down in our religious books that the husband will wear a sacred Thread for his wife. Husband is like a God to his wife.

Young Nanak wasn’t satisfied by this explanation and said that this was UNFAIR and what if a woman dies before her marriage?

Pandit Hardyal replied – “I told you before you should never ever question your religious books. It is a “Great Sin“. Besides you should not talk about death at this auspicious occasion. Once we finish with your questions I will recite some pious verses to purify the atmosphere of the sad things you have just uttered.”

Baba Nanak now said something that shocked everyone present in that Space – He said – I do not agree when you say that it is a sin to question the authority of the religious books…because it is only by questioning can one understand what is written in our religious books…To question is to gain awareness that strengthens our understanding of Religion…How can it be a sin if we are using our intellect to know what is WRONG or RIGHT…Baba Nanak added that it is this extraordinary gift of intellect what distinguishes mankind from the other species on this earth.

The Pandit was by now visibly upset at this unexpected turn of discussion and intervened quickly to salvage the situation. He said – “We are already getting too late for the ceremony…Let’s get done with it and then we can continue the discussion

In reality the pandit was very upset and wanted to get done with the Ceremony.

Baba Nanak then stood up and started addressing the entire audience saying that the Scared Thread Ceremony creates discrimination in the society and that he refuses to be a part of it. We are all children of the same God and thus all are entitled to this Second Birth. He also questioned the sanity of the thread saying that people are committing serious crimes while wearing this sacred thread. The thread seems to have no relevance to their conduct – Besides it does not stop them from cheating and telling lies and so there is no point in wearing it. Also, the thread gets soiled and is also broken so what is the need for something so ordinary and fragile.

Baba Nanak then suggested that if the thread was so important then he would like to have a UNIQUE THREAD- one that does not BREAK or get DIRTY !

The Pandit asked as to what THREAD was he suggesting and where can this thread be found – Guru ji then recited the following words…

da-i-aa kapaah santokh soot jat gandhee sat vat.
Make compassion the cotton, contentment the thread, modesty the knot and truth the twist.

ayhu janay-oo jee-a kaa ha-ee ta paaday ghat.
This is the sacred thread of the soul; if you have it, then go ahead and put it on me.

The entire verse can be read on Ang 471 of SGGS – Upon reading the entire verse one is introduced to a fabulous awareness that states that if we one desires to LIVE a Virtuous Life, then one must go beyond the Baseless Ceremonies and be courageous to question the mundane rituals that are strengthening the corrupt and weakening our Soul.

Reflection Time ❤

Baba Nanak, through the question session, created ripples in the minds of those present in the Ceremony – Importance of Equality was on his mind and he wanted the audience to Pause & Reflect on these Ceremonies that serve to divide the Society and implant EGO in the minds of those who are privilege to receive the “Scared Thread”

I hope the RIPPLES do impact our THOUGHTS and we too can Pause & Reflect on how these games of HIDE & SEEK can confuse our CHILDREN…without proper clarifications, we too are asking our children to Support the illogical and mundane rituals – I personally believe that a Strong World is one that Treats all EQUAL…

Time to STOP playing HIDE & SEEK with the Empty Rituals and set the Foundation of our LIFE on Humanity – For that is how we can build a Balanced Society.

It is WE, parents, who must set the Trail for our Children to walk upon with Confidence and how do can we do that – Hold on to VIRTUES that strengthen our Souls – Compassion, Contentment, Modesty, Truth – Pillars that support our existence in this World 🙂

May we all be graced by Baba Nanak to Embrace the NEW CONNECTS and inspire our Children to do the same.

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