Fragrance of LIFE !

Today’s post shares an awareness that can help us comprehend the answer to our forever complains in life – It is true that each one of us wants to be celebrated and respected and yet each one of us fails to celebrate the other – instead of appreciating the GOODNESS that life sends our way we set ourselves up for a FIGHT – Why we do what we do…is a MYSTERY to us all – Join me for Baba Nanak has the answer to our missing link…

Before I share the connects – here’s a quote for us to hold on to as the learnings unfold – These words of Terri Guillemets can aid in comprehending the learnings with ease…

“A Flower’s appeal is in its contradictions — so Delicate in form yet Strong in fragrance, so Small in size yet Big in Beauty, so Short in LIFE yet Long on EFFECT” ~ Terri Guillemets

With these WORDS anchored in our HEART – Let us get started with our STORY – The snippet is from Travels of Baba Nanak – Baba Nanak would travel on foot, visiting different towns and cities, spreading the Message of Oneness. He would also take breaks and spent time with the villagers, guiding them to be sorted in their Life – Questions were answered and people felt drawn towards Baba ji – The reason was obvious. Baba ji would help them clear their doubts with everyday examples – This made it easy for the people to comprehend the messages of Life.

During one of these travels, Guru ji along with Bhai Mardana, visited the City of Multan, now in Pakistan. Multan was known as the city of the Spiritual Guides ( Peers & Fakirs) practicing Islamic Faith…

  • Peer or Pir is a title for a Sufi Spiritual Guide.
  • Fakir is an Islamic term traditionally used for Sufi Muslim ascetics who renounce their worldly possessions and dedicate their lives to the worship of God.

Baba ji visited these places with the sole intent to spread the Divine message of God and he had no interest in seeking superiority over others or putting anyone down – Baba Nanak had great respect for all religions and was rooted in the Philosophy that we are all “Children of One God

Upon reaching Multan, Guru ji decided to rest for a while on the outskirts of the City. As per his daily routine, Guru ji then started to recite the Hymns in praise of God. People were drawn to Guru ji’s Blissful Singing and was awestruck at his personality.

The villagers wanted to spend time with Guru ji but the Spiritual Guides (Peers & Faqirs) were not appreciative of Guru ji’s visit to Multan. They felt threatened of this visit and wanted Guru ji to leave Multan. They feared that Guru would detract from their following or become a rival and so they all set out to inform the other Peers in the City. Among the audience was also a disciple of the Greatest Peer of the City – Feeling that Guru Nanak’s presence could turn out to be challenging for his Peer, he too rushed to inform his Peer.

Upon reaching the residence of his Peer, the disciple said – “I just saw Guru Nanak Dev outside the city of Multan. People have gathered around HIM and are listening to HIS Hymns – It seems that HE wants to take over this City – Are you aware of HIM – HE is not a Simple Faqir for I have seen that Whoever has seen him and listened to his discourses seems to be captivated by HIM – Many people impressed by his expression become his followers. It is also said that he has some kind of Magical Powers and with his expertise he captures the minds of the people and makes them his disciples.

I have also heard that HE travels all over the world, visiting religious places of the Hindus and the Muslims. He enjoys to have discourses with them – He has also held sessions with the Sanyasis. He is equally popular amongst the Hindus and the Muslims and people often get hooked to his Philosophy – I fear he will cast a spell on the people of Multan – We should STOP HIM right now before it gets late – I am worried for you, My beloved Peer.

The peer smiled and replied,” Son, there is no need for you to worry. I have heard a lot about Guru Nanak Dev and know that he is very wise and compassionate saint. He doesn’t differentiate among people on the basis of religion, caste, creed, color or status. He has a companion named Mardana who is a Muslim. He plays the rabab when Guru Nanak sings divine hymns. Guru Nanak Dev ji is truly a sage and a loved one of God. Therefore, let us go and welcome him to the city of Multan.

The Peer wanted to accept Guru ji as he was confident of Guru ji’s way of Life but he also wanted the other Peers to be relaxed. To dispel their doubts, he thought of a plan. As was the tradition of the place, a bowl full of milk filled to the brim was sent to the Guru.

Was the Guru suppose to DRINK the MILK or throw it ?Read on and you will be in awe of this TRADITION.

Neither was the milk rejected or drunk…Guru ji just smiled back and then plucked a Jasmine flower from the nearby and gently placed it in the milk. The flower floated on the surface of the milk but it did not cause any of the milk to spill…the bowl was then sent back to the Peer.

Seeing this, the Peer stepped forward – Greetings were Exchanged – The Peer welcomed Guru ji ❤

Those present there had no clue of what just happening between the TWO GREAT SAINTS – The disciple of the peer was now all the more confused – His curious mind compelled him to question the Peer.

The peer explained “I took the bowl of milk filled up to the brim to Guru Nanak Dev to show him that there are many peers and fakirs in the city of Multan. There is no place for another one so he should not come to the city. But the great Guru proved his wisdom by putting the Jasmine Flower in the milk. By this he meant that like none of the milk spilled due to the flower, none of the peers or fakirs will be displaced because of him. He will just stay in the city for some time and like the flower spread the fragrance of his wisdom among the residents of Multan. He is truly a saint and a very learned man.”

A fabulous awareness echoes in this Exchange of Messages between Guru Ji and the Peer – I personally take this story to be reflective of “Acceptance of All” – Guru ji through his kind gesture went on to show that there is always room for Goodness in the world. BEING INSECURE without clarity of mind only creates chaos in LIFE…and so when LIFE sends someone along the trails of LIFE, let us WELCOME them with OPEN ARMS and allow LIFE to fill our Journey with Fragrance of their Personality.

Addition of flower without any CHANGES to the Milk confirms that the Guru message of Love and Meditation will only enhance the awareness of the people of Multan without altering their foundational beliefs…

As I share this awareness, I am also reminded of a VERY COMMON PROBLEM in our Society – Relationships, though Precious aren’t always celebrated in our Society – and with Special mention is “Marriage of a Son

Marriage may be seen as the most important celebration and yet in many families Daughter-in- laws are forever in a struggle to be accepted by their NEW FAMILY…The reason here, too being “Insecurity” which is planted by the Society and fueled by our habit of “Gossiping”.

The New Bride forever making an effort to be accepted and the New family forever living through the Insecure Lens of Life – Sad is the reality of Relations in this World of God and the outcome is not Pleasant. The juggle of life continues for years and only adds to the REGRETS 😦 😦 😦

If only the NEW FAMILY would see their Daughter – in – law as the Jasmine Flower, gifted by God to add fragrance to their Life that is overflowing to the Brim

I personally believe that all that is expected Boy’s Family is to remember that this New Member – The Bride hasn’t come to the Family to dispel anyone or to steal the show – She has left her HOME of Childhood and all she desires is Acceptance into her NEW FAMILY. In reality, this New Girl is all alone in this NEW SPACE and must be LOVED and ACCEPTED and WELCOMED with Grace into her NEW SPACE.

I also often wonder and fail to understand why generation after generation a similar pattern is repeated – Why does every FAMILY have to go through this Phase of “Failed Relations” – I find myself thinking as to …

  • Why is it so DIFFICULT for a family ( especially the Mother-in law) to accept the very same person who was celebrated during the Wedding.
  • Why is this NEW MEMBER TESTED in all aspects of LIFE ?
  • Why does this New Bride now seems to be nothing less than an ENEMY ?

Pause & Reflect !

The Daughter-in-law is a Precious Gift from God to the entire Family – But INSECURITY of the Family Members fails to nurture the Relationship – Let us always remember that just as every relationship, the New Relation too can be nurtured in the RIGHT way only if it is seen through the lens of LOVE 🙂

“A Daughter-in-law cannot be Perfect by herself. A Beautiful Mother-in-law helps her to be one.” ~ Let us HOLD on to this REALITY of a Fabulous Bond !

Take Away from the POST !

The popularity of Guru Nanak Dev ji lead to anxiety for the Disciple and all that he could think in the Moment was “REJECTION“. The disciple, though, aware of the Goodness of Guru ji, and yet his insecurity compelled him to reject Guru ji. Similar is the case in our life – When God sends us GOOD people in our Life – We get insecure and this insecurity compels us to belief that their Goodness will over shine and take away our Position in the society. We are afraid to lose our admirers…We feel threatened – Our insecurity gives power to our Fears and we act in arrogance – A battle field is created in our Mind and we set to drive this person out from our Life – We fail to Pause and Reflect that this person could be God’s Messenger – sent to inspire us in our Life…and that there is always room for Goodness in LIFE ❤

May we always remember that the bowl of warm milk through filled to the brim did not overflow when the Flower was added – Instead, it added BEAUTY & FRAGRANCE to it – Similar is LIFE & its RELATION – The entry of a NEW BRIDE into the Family only adds MORE BEAUTY & GRACE to the Magnificence of the family – The New Bride isn’t send in LIFE to “COMPETE” with others – SHE is sent to “COMPLETE”  the Family !

The missing link between “Compete” and “Complete” is that one letter “L”— LOVE. An  Additional “L” – LOVE to nurture this NEW RELATION

There is no need to DISTRESS when life sends someone in our LIFE ~ May this be our Attitude in LIFE !

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