Friendship with God !

Parenting is a Fabulous Gift and the Journey of Parenting is Awesome and yet many of us fail to enjoy it because we are entertaining darkness. As Parents we desire the BEST for our CHILD and yet we end up creating barriers with our CHILDREN – Our Parenting Trails are dotted with Fears – Precise reason being, we have “Trust Issues” with our Children – The Generation Gap also contributes to our FEARS – How can we then expect our children to then grow up to be JOYFUL in LIFE, when we are constantly giving them reasons to live in doubts – Join me as we unravel the Secrets to Joyful Children…

Faith in God is the only way one can experience JOY in the JOURNEY of LIFE and so if we really wish our CHILDREN to be JOYFUL – we must aspire them to stay connected to GOD – But as with most families, the common issue is that our Children don’t identify with GOD – Wondering WHY & What needs to be done by us “Parents”

We grew up believing that God is some entity or an old man watching over us through the clouds in the sky. This idea was implanted into our thoughts by television and media – but our future generations have no interest in the idea of an old white man in the sky, watching over us to catch us “Red handed”. As parents, when we endorse these False Beliefs, we unknowingly implant FEAR in the heart of our Children. If we really want us children to have Faith in God, we must sort out these missing links…Fear must be replaced with LOVE for GOD.

Our children need to know that GOD is not watching over us from the SKY and taking a note of our errors to punish us but HE is our FRIEND, always by our side and forever there to Guide us RIGHT… The LOVE for GOD and HE being our FRIEND must be rooted in the minds of every child – only then can our Children LOVE GOD and make efforts to invite God into their LIFE.

Here I recall the story of Bhagat Namdev Ji who is one of the 15 Bhagats whose hymns are included in Sri Adi Granth Sahib. There are 61 hymns in 18 Raags of Bhagat Namdev ji. His father, a calico printer/tailor, was named Dama Seth and his mother’s name was Gonabai. Bhagat Namdev Ji was born to Gonabai ji as a result of her worship of “Vithoba” in Pandharpur District Sholapur of Maharashtra…

Vithoba, also known as “Vithala” and “Panduranga” – A Hindu deity predominantly worshipped in the Indian state of Maharashtra and Karnataka. He is generally considered as a manifestation of the God Vishnu, or his avatar Krishna. Vithoba is often depicted as a dark young boy, standing arms akimbo on a brick.

Both his parents were religious and had great faith in God and so it was but natural that Bhagat Namdev ji grew up witnessing the Religious Rituals performed by his parents. At the age of two, when he began to talk, the first correct word he uttered was “Vithala”. From his early childhood he developed the habit of reciting the name of God and his parents also took care that their son child is brought up in the company of saints and scholars so that he acquires the qualities of devotees.

Bhagat Namdev ji as a young child was greatly impressed by his father Dama Seth’s worship towards Vithoba and would often watch him as the Prayers were performed in the Morning. He found great pleasure when every day his mother took him to the temple of Vithoba for offering worship to the Deity.

There are several versions of an anecdote which state that “Vithoba” appeared in person to Namdev and physically accepted the Offerings.

One day his father was required to go to another village – The worship, being an crucial couldn’t be missed even for a day and so his father called out to him. He had faith in his son and thus entrusted Bhagat Namdev ji to perform the worship on his behalf – Bhagat Namdev ji was excited to take on the responsibilities in his father’s absence.

Like his father he gave a bath to the Idol of Vithoba (also known as Thakur Ji) – He then put a tilak (saffron mark) on the forehead of Thakur Ji. Then he put milk in front of Thakur Ji and requested with folded hands to Thakur Ji to come and drink that milk. Bhagat ji then requested Thakur ji… He then closed his eyes and waited for Vithoba to come and have the Milk – He insisted that he would not leave until the Offerings are consumed.

As with all children, his anxiety was growing and so was his hunger – He had seen his father eat only after the Milk was offered to Vithoba and so waited for Vithoba to drink the Milk so that he could have his food – He opened his eyes and was alarmed to see that Vithoba had not drunk the milk…He was sad and wondered if there were some errors in his worship.

As adults we are merely interested in following the RITUALS but here was a CHILD whose LOVE for GOD wasn’t tainted – He longed for Vithoba to drink the Milk for he believed that God is REAL and does accept offerings from his Devotees…Seeing the Milk not being consumed, Bhagat Namdev was getting restless but wasn’t willing to GIVE UP – After a long wait – Vithoba appeared before Namdev and drank milk from the bowl…He went home, happily singing the praises of Vithoba.

His Mother was thrilled by his act but did not feel the need to know the happenings of the Day – Thereafter Bhagat Namdev ji found great pleasure during his visits to the temple of “Vithoba”. His Love & Devotion to Vithoba was so innocent and sincere that he used to treat “Vithoba” as his FRIEND. Communications between Vithoba and Bhagat Namdev continued over the days…

(the entire anecdote can be read on Ang 1163 of SGGS…

dooDh katorai gadvai paanee. kapal gaa-ay naamai duhi aanee. ||1||
Naam Dayv milked the brown cow, and brought a cup of milk and a jug of water to his family god. ||1||

dooDh pee-o gobinday raa-ay.
“Please drink this milk, O my Sovereign Lord God.

dooDh pee-o mayro man patee-aa-ay.
Drink this milk and my mind will be happy.

naahee ta ghar ko baap risaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Otherwise, my father will be angry with me.”||1||Pause||

so-in katoree amrit bharee.
Taking the golden cup, Naam Dayv filled it with the ambrosial milk,

lai naamai har aagai Dharee. ||2||
and placed it before the Lord. ||2||

ayk bhagat mayray hirday basai. naamay daykh naraa-in hasai. ||3||
The Lord looked upon Naam Dayv and smiled. “This one devotee abides within my heart.”||3||

dooDh pee-aa-ay bhagat ghar ga-i-aa.
The Lord drank the milk, and the devotee returned home.

naamay har kaa darsan bha-i-aa. ||4||3||
Thus did Naam Dayv come to receive the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan. ||4||3||

Here’s is yet another incident – One day his mother, being busy, asked Namdev to take the plate of offerings to Vithoba. Namdev went to the temple, placed the plate of eatables before Vithoba and asked Him to accept the offering as always – Vithoba as always assumed a human form and accepted the offerings gratefully. His mother was surprised when her son came back in great joy with an empty plate and explained to her that Vithoba had accepted the offerings by actually consuming the eatables presented in the plate. She was shocked and wanted to check for herself – So, the next day, she herself accompanied Namdev to see and verify for herself the correctness of Namdev’s explanation. The same performance was repeated and the mother had the satisfaction of seeing the Lord actually accepting their offerings. She felt grateful to the Lord that she was the mother of such a Great Devotee.

Upon his return, Dama Seth learnt what had happened and was thrilled. Both parents trusted their son, embraced him and said that he had made not only their own house but the entire village auspicious.

Childhood is a Bliss because as children we believe in the words spoken. For a child, Empty Rituals isn’t a way of life – It is only as adults, we get corrupt in our innocence and live a life of mediocrity…we offer GOD and yet have no Faith that HE will accept our offerings – But young Namdev ji was drenched in Love towards God and also his parents trusted his experiences – His encounters with Vithoba weren’t overlooked and that strengthen his Faith in God…He was gifted “Friendship with God” – which to me is the GREATEST RELATIONSHIP in this World.

To TRUST our CHILDREN & Embrace their Innocence and Experiences is the way to Joyful Life.

Our children are smarter and upon conversation, you will realize that they have a very clear idea of the Supremacy of God – and His Love for ALL. However, when we force our children to accept unreasoned theories, we give them reasons to disengage with God. As parents, we must gift our children the Legacy of Faith & Innocence – It is the combination of these two virtues that can strengthen the Mindset of our Future Generations, inspiring them to be “Friends with God

Take Away from the Post ❤

God’s presence must be felt for HIS Guidance to be received – Let us never forget that it is easier to build up a CHILD than it is to REPAIR an ADULT – So our work must start when our children are small – Formative Years is the time when we must make the Right Investment – Sow the seeds of Faith and Innocence – for the Fruits to be enjoyed when the Time is Right…Let us pray to God to gift our children that Gift to see HIM as a FRIEND – One who is always by their side – Helping and Guiding them in their Journey of Life.

God is not a SHADOW – But a LIGHT that guides the CHILD all through the Trails of LIFE ~ Beena Gurdasani

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