We are aware of Guru Nanak Dev ji’s travels – Baba Nanak visited many countries with the sole intent to spread the Divine message of God and how one must live an honored life – All along these travels was his companion Bhai Mardana ji, the Rebab player. And we all know that Bhai Mardana was a Muslim…This snippet that I share today is from the times when they both reached the city of Baghdad.

It was a Beautiful Morning and the residents were all on their way to the Mosque to perform their Morning Prayers. As per the routine of Guru ji, he too started singing the Divine Words, while Bhai Mardana played the Rebab. The Divine Word “SATNAM” recited by Guru ji drew the attention of nearby people of Bagdad. Baghdad was a place where Music was banned and thus the melodious utterance seemed to cast a Spell of Silence.

Absolute Silence echoed in the SPACES of Baghdad.

The news of someone breaking the norms by signing in the city spread like wild fire in the forest and in a few hours the entire city gathered to witness the TRUTH – However Guru ji continued his singing of the hymns which mesmerized the audience. An ambience of Bliss for some it was and then there were some who condemned Guru ji singing the “Divine Poetry” in the musical form.

With so much chaos in the city – it was but natural for the High Priest Pir Dastgir to come into picture and settle the matter – Pir Dastgir asked the city dwellers to bring Guru ji to his home – He wanted to impress upon Guru ji his status and power and so placed himself son his “PRECIOUS THRONE” and awaited Guru ji’s arrival.

Guru ji walked towards the Pir and awaited the interrogation. The Pir had no interest in offering Guru ji a place to sit and so Guru ji continued to stand on the ground surrounded by many ordinary people. The Pir asked Guru ji to justify his act of singing in the early morning hours…Besides, why had Bhai Mardana, being a Muslim, not stopped him from Signing as it was against the Muslim Law.

Pir Dastgir asked, “O Hindi Faqir (Saint), why were you singing unprincipled and immoral musical verses on the sacred land of Bagdad? Don’t you know that according to Muslim Shariat (code of law), music was forbidden? Which category of Faqir (Saint) do you belong to and what is your background? He also added that music animates the passion and was regarded by Muslims as a means of bodily pleasure and vulgar joy and consequently banned in Islamic countries.

Guru Nanak Dev ji smiled and stated that – Indeed, Music is a Powerful Instrument of both good and evil. It melts the hearts and thus and can also be a vehicle of Spiritual Inspiration… Guru ji added that God Himself is a Great Musician and has created the Cosmic Melody.

This explanation puzzled Pir Dastgir but before he could counter question – Guru ji justified the Blissful act of Music by these examples….Examples from Nature were Guru ji way to cement the True Message of God <3.

The gentle rustle of the reeds and waving plants…The murmur of the streams…The gushing of torrentsThe humming of the Bees…All these constitute the orchestra of nature. Love of Music is a part of human nature. Whenever a person is happy or alone, he sings or hums a tune.

Guru ji then suggested – Why not use the natural characteristic for music for Higher Goals and Values. Why not sing holy songs in praise of Allah, the Lord of the Universe! This kind of music attunes the individual soul to the Universal Soul. The corrupt passions of man are thus directed to sublime channels. As such, music can be used as an aid to spiritual fulfilment.

Guru ji’s connects made complete sense to Pir Dastgir. He was satisfied and was happy to have met Guru ji. It seemed to be the PERFECT TIME for Pir Dastgir…He had been looking for some answers and today Life gave him an opportunity to meet someone who could help him find answers – In these moments, Pir Dastgir realized that Guru ji could be the RIGHT PERSON to clarify the uncertainties that bothered him each day.

With humility and faith, Pir Dastgir requested Guru Nanak Dev Ji, “O Hindi Faqir, since the day I am meditating, there are THREE QUESTIONS which always echo in my mind. These questions have been constantly straining my mind for many years. In Islam we believe Allah (Khuda) lives seven skies above the earth and according to some in seven nether including earth itself. But I want you to explain about HIS existence. My questions are…

  • First Question ~ If the God (Khuda/Allah) has created the world, and then who had created GOD? Who was before God?
  • Second Question~ Where does God (Allah) live?
  • Third Question ~ What does Khuda (Allah/God) do?

Guru ji smiled and said, “I know you are a highly spiritual leader and people bring precious pearls, diamonds rubies nd gold coins to offer you as obeisance. I want you to show me your treasures… Bring them to me before I answer your questions.”

Pir Dastgir was in SHOCK as this was least expected in this Moment of Bliss – He was now thinking, I have not yet received any answer to my questions, but payment is already being asked…However, he was impressed with Guru ji and thus ordered his disciples to bring a plate full of Precious Diamond, Pearls and Gold Coins to offer Guru Nanak in a hope he might get the answers.

Upon receiving the Plate – Guru ji asked Pir Dastgir to count the diamonds one by one. This was yet another unexpected twist and yet ignoring his reservation Pir Dastgir stared counting as…

1″ [Ek] … “2” [Do’] … “3” [Tin] … “4” [Char]

Just when Pir reached the count of FOUR, Guru ji stopped him and said, “You are not a good accountant, you lack basic counting skills…Please count again”

Pir said, “I have counted correctly up to four”

But Guru Ji said, ” Yes while counting up to “4” you made a mistake and I want you to recount.”

Pir Dastgir started counting again, “1” [Ek] … “2” [Do’] … “3” [Tin] … “4” [Char].

Sooner when he reached the count four, Guru ji stopped him again and said,” Pir, you are wrong again.” Hearing this Pir Dastgir grew bit angry but politely said, “I am going to recount again, just stop me to a point when you think I am wrong. I just want to know where the problem is, in my counting?”

Guru ji said, ” Ok, I will tell you exactly where you are going WRONG”

Just when Pir started counting as….“1” [Ek] – Guru ji stopped him and said, “Pir, start counting prior to “1” [Ek].

Pir replied nervously, “How can I count prior to “1”. Before “1” [Ek], is NOTHING. I must start with 1″.

Guru Nanak Dev ji said, “YES”. “1” … Ek Onkar. There is nothing before “1”. He is only ONE. Everything start from “1”. One is HIM. He is seed, the origin, the Primal Lord. Nothing is beyond this. It is the Primal Truth that the creator is “1” [Ek]. It is the foundation of the whole world and beyond…Guru ji then recited Mool Mantar.

“There is only but ONE God, the Eternal Truth, Almighty Creator, and Unfearful, without Hate and Enmity, Immortal Entity, Unborn, Self-Existent. The ONE who was True before the creation, The One Who was True in the beginning of the creation, The One Who is True now, and O Nanak, The One Who shall be True forever”.

Pir Dastgir was happy and satisfied to be introduced to this REALITY of God – One can say that the Words of Baba Nanak melted his EGO – Pir Dastgir was now more humble in his approach towards Guru ji and asked – “Hey, Nanak, this seed who is the creator of this world and after, where does He live? Where would we search Him? In our Islam it is said that He live in seven skies above the earth.”

Guru ji could sense that Pir Dastgir was absorbing the message of God – He asked Dastgir to tell someone fetch a pot full of Milk. A pot full of milk was offered to Guru Nanak instantly. Guru ji looked at the milk anxiously and said, “Pir, there is something in it.”

Pir Dastgir came forward and looked at the Pot of Milk – After examining, he said, “O Hindi Faqir, there is nothing in it, I am so sure.”

  • Guru ji insisted – “There is something in it
  • “What is it, then, Tell us please?” asked Pir.

Guru ji said, “Butter” – Now you show me where is it? Can you see it? Simply tell me Yes or No.”

Pir Dastgir was a highly “Spiritual Saint” so he instantly agreed with Guruji and said, “Yes, there is surely “Butter” in it but it is not visible“.

Each and every drop of milk contains butter and also the fire is contained in all firewood. Similarly, in each and every living being resides GOD – God’s Light is contained in the high and the low; the Lord lives in the hearts of all beings. He is pervaded and saturated in each and every heart.

The Perfect Lord is completely permeating everyone, everywhere; He created the Creative Power of the Universal energy, within which He dwells. HIS creative power resides in Nature. He is saturated in to water, land, and sky; He Himself is All-pervading. His Creative Power is omnipresent, in all form and color

Guruji’s Divine Message bought a smile on the faces of all present there – Pir Dastgir was now fully convinced with Guru’s answers and asked his final question, “Nanak, such a powerful God, what does it do? What is His profession”?

Guru Nanak Ji smiled and replied, “Dastgir, you can carry on asking me questions and I will be answering them one by one with Divine Knowledge. God has its shape in Divine Knowledge (Shabad) and this Shabad is HIS POWER and HIS True Picture is Contemplation of HIS Shabad…But I have come to believe that you are insulting Allah, Divine power. You are not respecting the Divine Words coming out of my mouth. You yourself are sitting at a higher place in a “Precious Throne” and listening to “Divine Message” about Him. This is principally and ethically wrong”.

Pir Dastgir humbly asked, “Nanak, what should I do, then?”

Guru ji said, “The Principle of the world states that the Teacher always sits at higher place or in a higher chair. Just do what is RIGHT, come out of your Throne and walk down to a ground level. I will sit in your throne. You can then ask as many questions you want and I will answer them all.

Pir Dastgir wanted to gain Divine Knowledge and Baba Nanak was willing to help him get answers to his questions. Exchange of seats did not bother him – He said to himself…By replacing seat for a moment is not going to do any harm and I am happy that I am getting my queries sorted.

Pir Dastgir, then came down and sat at the level of Guru ji’s feet and Guru Nanak was now sitting in his Throne. Dastgir Pir asked his final question with full devotion and love, “Nanak, Tell me quickly, what does God do?

Guru ji once again smiled and replied, “Dastgir, this is what God does… A person who sits on the throne is bought down and person who is on the ground is placed at the higher place. God has the POWER to change the beggar into a king, and the king into a beggar.”

God is infinite and can do whatever pleases HIM – HE is the Mastermind behind this Game of LIFE and it is in HIS DECISION (HUKUM) that LIFE unfolds. God is powerful and much beyond Man’s understanding…all that is in the hands of a Man is to Cast off all doubts and have FAITH in GOD.

Take Away Message !

Guru Nanak Dev ji helped Pir Dastgir comprehend the Grandeur of God – all his queries were sorted – The coming of Baba Nanak to Baghdad was a Blessing – God was answering his questions through Guru ji – Indeed, Pir Dastgir was gratified to have found his answers – With teary eyes, he fell on to Guruji’s feet.

The seeker had found his answers…and so have WE !


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