Mission Accomplished

On the occasion of World Environment day…Sharing with you my story of Inspirations & Reflections…Read through these words…and should you find yourself in sync with them…You have found a member of your tribe in ME 🙂 Continue reading Mission Accomplished

BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

As we LOOK forward to GRAND CELEBRATIONS of the World Environment Day…It is a moment of PRIDE for INDIANS as India is the global host of 2018 World Environment Day which will take place on June 5, 2018.

With India being the host for the event…I believe it is a DUTY of every Indian to HONOR this RESPONSIBILITY jointly & Do their BEST to support the CAUSE and take it as a CALLING…that will benefit the future generations.

Before I step further… a few statistics…to make you want to be a part of this BIG CAUSE…Come JOIN ME… Continue reading BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today I confidently announce my Triumph…I have finally achieved my GOAL…This is my 52nd Post – The journey comes to an END…But as it ENDS…It brings with itself a NEW BEGINNING…Refreshing & Uplifting like a LEAF on the TREE.

Without further adieu…I share with you this last & the most crucial lesson from Mother Nature… Continue reading Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Impromptu Gifts – 51/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The cream of enjoyment in this life is always impromptu. The chance walk; the unexpected visit; the unpremeditated journey; the unsought conversation or acquaintance.” ~ Fanny Fern

These are the WORDS that INSPIRED me to share with you some of my Enjoyable Moments – The impromptu Gifts that took me by Surprise and bought a SMILE on my face and left me amazed 🙂

Today I share with you some of my Impromptu Gifts – Ones I have received from Mother Nature…Let the JOURNEY of Gratifying Occurrences begin… Continue reading Impromptu Gifts – 51/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The Pearl Necklace – 50/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today POST is indeed very SPECIAL to ME…for reasons many…This is my 50th post in this series and it beautifully coincides with my husband’s 50th Birthday…A fabulous Milestone…and So I dedicate this post to him…and share with some WONDERS we have discovered along the path in our 25 years of Knowing each otherSunil - 50th Birthday.jpgI pride in naming this post – “The PEARL NECKLACE” – The reasons will be known to you as you read along…Let the MIRACULOUS JOURNEY begin…. Continue reading The Pearl Necklace – 50/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today’s post is inspired by a FUN moment on Facebook – as I was just having some “ME- MOMENTS” to unwind from the busy routine of life…and the REFLECTIONS that followed. Let’s unravel some SECRETS of the FUN MOMENTS of everyday LIFE 🙂 Continue reading In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Pure & Pristine – 48/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today I share with you some learnings associated with a FLOWER…One that is not only BEAUTIFUL to LOOK at…But it BESTOWS upon us SECRETS of LIFE 🙂

Let the JOURNEY of SECRETS begin…in the process you will DISCOVER YOURSELF…I assure you with this…  Continue reading Pure & Pristine – 48/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

For the LOVE of TREES – 47/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

FRIDAY the 27th of April which happens to be the last FRIDAY of this MONTH has a SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE – It is an environmental holiday in many parts of the World…where citizens and groups are encouraged to plant trees and care for the already existing trees…and I take opportunity to share with you some fabulous connects of my Memories with TREES 🙂 Continue reading For the LOVE of TREES – 47/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Let it RAIN – 46/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

LISTEN to the VOICES of YOUR HEART…Nature speaks to YOU through the language of Instincts & Intuitions…Pay attention.. for that is where TREASURES galore await YOU !!!

These WORDS are the FOUNDATION of all MY WRITINGS & LEARNINGS…In Silence I seek my treasures…In Reflections…I discover my reality…In retrospection…I share my LESSONS 🙂

Come JOIN me in my NEW DISCOVERIES & LEARNINGS… Continue reading Let it RAIN – 46/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Leading the way – 45/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

A BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW for our CHILDREN is every parent’s DREAM…and every DREAM is within our REACH…and always in our hands…
But it is we who are simply ignorant of this REALITY … Let us TODAY explore the path that will help us realize this DREAM…of our CHILDREN… 

Continue reading Leading the way – 45/52 – Weekly Photo Journal