“LIVE IN FULL EXCITEMENT”- 43/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Inspiration comes in many forms & the spirit of all inspiration is the awareness that our Life is Beautiful and we must take SPECIAL CARE so that one day…We can be PROUD of our EXISTENCE.

Today I share with you a very SPECIAL CONNECT – A lesson that LIFE has been sending me…time & again…and yet I was not able to CONNECT the links & comprehend its meaning until TODAY 🙂 Continue reading “LIVE IN FULL EXCITEMENT”- 43/52- Weekly Photo Journal

CHEERS to SPRING !!! – 38/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

With the weather being JUST PERFECT & Every aspect of Mother Nature announcing the arrival of the “GOOD TIMES” – It’s time to CELEBRATE and CHEER our LOUD… 

Finally SPRING is here…

Continue reading CHEERS to SPRING !!! – 38/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The Missing Key – 37/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“I am not happy – Am I missing something…

Does this sound like the VOICE that speaks to YOU…in moments of SILENCE? Do you feel CONNECTED to these thoughts…Wondering if you are on the threshold of a BREAKDOWN… Do you often find your inner consciousness whispering… 

 “I think I have misplaced my key to Happiness !!! “

Time to…


Continue reading The Missing Key – 37/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Colour Concealed – 36/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Mother Nature has so much to offer in terms of COLORS…and as I write – I recall the words of  Leigh Hunt – “Colors are the SMILES of Nature.”

Can anyone disagree – At least not ME – With a SMILE on my face & enthusiasm in my heart … I take this opportunity to take you on a Journey of COLORS….in the Beautiful WORLD of WONDERS of MOTHER NATURE.

Let us together EXPLORE the MAGIC of COLORS !!!

Continue reading Colour Concealed – 36/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“Ranga Panchami”

Today is the festival of “Ranga Panchami” – a Hindu festival – very similar to Holi. The joyous festival is celebrated on the 5th day – “Panchami” – of the Krishna Paksha (the waning phase of moon) during the “Phalgun” month of the Hindu calendar…Which is exactly 5 DAYS after HOLI…and is celebrated on the similar lines…

The eagerness to know the REASON behind these CELEBRATIONS…is what drove me to this NEW perspective of playing with COLORS 🙂

Continue reading “Ranga Panchami”

Awaiting Monsoons – 35/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The prediction of a RAINY day is all it takes to set the trail of conversations….with respect to the memories we hold on to of a RAINY DAY memoir…

In my country of residence – each one of us is looking forward to RAINY days…the reason obviously being the Weather forecast !!! Continue reading Awaiting Monsoons – 35/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Forget-Me-Not – 34/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Spring is around the corner…and each one of us is excited to welcome MOTHER NATURE’s Blissfulness…The Forget-Me-Not flowers are the FIRST hint we receive from Mother Nature – Declaring the arrival of Spring… Continue reading Forget-Me-Not – 34/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I am WORTHY – 33/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

To be surrounded by plants – To wake up to the GREEN aura – To witness the opening of a bud – To be overwhelmed when a New leaf sprouts…are some of the GIFTS that we receive when we choose GARDENING as our HOBBY 🙂 Continue reading I am WORTHY – 33/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Magnificent Existences !

“When we understand the connection between how we live and how long we live, it’s easier to make different choices. Instead of viewing the time we spend with friends and family as luxuries, we can see that these relationships are among the MOST POWERFUL DETERMINANTS of our well-being and survival.”

Dean Ornish – I borrow your words to SHARE my BLESSINGS of LIFE with my LOVED ones… Continue reading Magnificent Existences !

Along the Journey – 30/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Sometimes LIFE gets so complicated that we even forget to notice the GOODNESS that surrounds us each day – I too have had my share of losses… But now things are DIFFERENT – Life has BLESSED me with an opportunity to LIVE BEAUTIFUL – And when this opportunity came – The only thing that mattered to me was to be in SYNC with MOTHER NATURE.

Today through this journey – I take you into the WORLD OF WONDERS – I call it the “WOW” factor that can make each one of us FEEL GOOD & SPECIAL…Not just TODAY…But almost EVERYDAY – EVERY MOMENT…

Let the JOURNEY begin…Along this JOURNEY…May each of us Discover the WONDERS…MOTHER NATURE bestows upon us each year. Continue reading Along the Journey – 30/52 – Weekly Photo Journal