Be the FLOW ~~~

Today I share with you yet another Fabulous Connect. Once again the Wisdom is derived from a FESTIVAL that falls TODAY. Come join me & let us all discover the wisdom concealed in the festivals that our Ancestors so kindly asked us to celebrate. Continue reading Be the FLOW ~~~

Future looks BRIGHT :) – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I came across some words quoted by Margaret Mead…and they set me THINKING. Today’s post is reflective of these words…Come join ME…and TOGETHER we can find ways that will lead us to a BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL Future 🙂 Continue reading Future looks BRIGHT 🙂 – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Be SOMEONE, not someone’s

Being a WOMAN is MAGICAL in itself…But are WOMEN unaware of the UNIQUENESS they are BLESSED with…Today let us journey together…and DISCOVER that MAGIC of a WOMAN 🙂 Continue reading Be SOMEONE, not someone’s

What “Ganesh Chaturthi” is all about?

Millions of Hindus enthusiastically await the arrival of this auspicious day which is dedicated to the elephant-headed god, Lord Ganesha’s birthday. I have my personal connections & Reflections too associated with this grand festival.

Join Me in my CELEBRATIONS….

Continue reading What “Ganesh Chaturthi” is all about?