Happy Birthday BABA :)

Today is a very auspicious day – It is the Birth Guru Nanak who we all fondly address as “BABA”. I write this post to express my gratitude to my BABA who has always been by my side & guided me all through the journey of WONDERS 🙂 Continue reading Happy Birthday BABA 🙂

100th POST – Celebration Time !!!

This is my 100th Post on my BLOG….With mixed Feelings of gratitude & awareness – I share my thoughts today. Thank you to everyone who has read, liked, commented and contributed to this blog…The success won’t be possible without you all.

As the BIG 100 gets engraved in this SPACE of Journeys & Reflections … I believe this is a Moment to REVEAL something profound and inspiring – Time for some meaning connects…JOIN ME, in my quest of REFLECTIONS ❤ ❤ ❤ Continue reading 100th POST – Celebration Time !!!

Colour Concealed – 36/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Mother Nature has so much to offer in terms of COLORS…and as I write – I recall the words of  Leigh Hunt – “Colors are the SMILES of Nature.”

Can anyone disagree – At least not ME – With a SMILE on my face & enthusiasm in my heart … I take this opportunity to take you on a Journey of COLORS….in the Beautiful WORLD of WONDERS of MOTHER NATURE.

Let us together EXPLORE the MAGIC of COLORS !!!

Continue reading Colour Concealed – 36/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“Ranga Panchami”

Today is the festival of “Ranga Panchami” – a Hindu festival – very similar to Holi. The joyous festival is celebrated on the 5th day – “Panchami” – of the Krishna Paksha (the waning phase of moon) during the “Phalgun” month of the Hindu calendar…Which is exactly 5 DAYS after HOLI…and is celebrated on the similar lines…

The eagerness to know the REASON behind these CELEBRATIONS…is what drove me to this NEW perspective of playing with COLORS 🙂

Continue reading “Ranga Panchami”