We all want to live an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE but we are not willing to take the Highway that can get us to our Goal – wondering why – Because we haven’t really care to know what denotes an “Extraordinary Life” – Today I share with you a thought-provoking connect – One that will make you SMILE and also help you take the Road to Excellence.

Continue reading EXTRAORDINARY LIFE !

Wondrous Life !

Last Saturday, I celebrated a Milestone Birthday – My 50th Birthday celebrations were indeed exclusive – A surprise visit from my elder daughter to anchor the Moment – Happy Wishes and Blessings from around the Globe, Loads of Cakes from near and dear ones and precious gifts from my Students – A week of Celebrations it has been.

To anchor the Connects, I share with some Precious Lessons TODAY !

Continue reading Wondrous Life !

Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal

A meaningful afternoon spent with my friend inspired me to write these thoughts. This friend of mine was a new addition to my life & this was our very first meeting – and as we all know…Women often tend to connect on common grounds…and matters of the FAMILY & PERSONAL CHALLENGES always tend to intertwine in their conversations…

What I share today is based on my Reflections I had after my meeting with this new friend…And I am confident…You too will CONNECT with the ECHO of my THOUGHTS. Continue reading Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal