Lucky Mascots – 23/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The immensely popular decorative house plant associated with GOOD LUCK is the LUCKY BAMBOO for it is known to bring in positive energy and prosperity in our daily living…

But do you know what is the LUCK factor associated with it & why should we keep them in our spaces 🙂 I am in no way taking you on a Feng Shui journey of these decorative plants – For me they are Messengers of HOPE…and they help me DREAM 🙂 Continue reading Lucky Mascots – 23/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Back in the Sunshine – 16/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I am a SEED planted by GOD – And I must GROW 🙂

And when HE put me there – in the dark dingy world…HE whispered in my soul…“Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable”…This will help you fulfill my DESIRE behind this intention of putting you in this soil…Make me PROUD of my Decision…GROW & FLOURISH – This is what you must ACCOMPLISH before I call you back” Continue reading Back in the Sunshine – 16/52 – Weekly Photo Journal