Let’s DETOX !!!

In this Space of Learnings, the month of October was dedicated to Reflections and Renewal – we did get introduced to many new learnings related to HEALTH and how we all can live a “Healthy & Happy Life – Today, let us delve into yet another aspect that can make us stay “FIT” – The World of “DETOX” awaits us all…Let the journey of learnings begin…

Continue reading Let’s DETOX !!!

Future looks BRIGHT :) – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I came across some words quoted by Margaret Mead…and they set me THINKING. Today’s post is reflective of these words…Come join ME…and TOGETHER we can find ways that will lead us to a BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL Future 🙂 Continue reading Future looks BRIGHT 🙂 – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal


Today’s post “TUM HO TO HUM HAIN” is dedicated to the REAL HEROES –  Who silently yet bravely are doing their BEST so we can be at REST with our LOVED ONES…Celebrating the HAPPY occasions that LIFE sends our way…

Come JOIN me as we together Salute to our Real Heroes – All the three forces of India, Para forces, Medics and the entire Defense for making INDIA feel proud. Continue reading “TUM HO TO HUM HAIN”