Guru Kripa is a Sanskrit term that denotes “Grace of the Guru.” In Hinduism, Guru Kripa is considered a faster path to moksha, or liberation from the cycle of life, death and rebirth…and thus it would be perfect to say that when we are Graced by the Guru, we are liberated from the entanglements of Karmic Accounts.

Today’s article is a continuation from the last week’s Post – “Web of Entanglements” – Excited to know if Guru’s Kripa liberated the two Brothers from their Entanglements. Read on…

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Life is Beautiful and yet many of us are ignorant of this BEAUTY – Ever wondered what is the “Missing Link” – Today, I will be sharing yet another story that revolves around the Art of Seeing BEAUTY in LIFE…Join me in this NEW SNIPPET of Awareness…This is a TWIN ARTICLE – and so don’t forget to catch up NEXT WEEK as well to comprehend the message in totality.

Continue reading WEB of WANTS !


Today’s Post is about the Importance of LOVE & LIFE & Helium Balloons …and a common thread that binds them all is Baba Fareed (Farid) – Muslim Mystic of the medieval period.

Continue reading LOVE LIBERATES !

Gurmukh Glow !

In the Sikhi Philosophy, it is believed that there are two kinds of individuals – Gurmukhs & Manmukhs – Today let us get to know the difference between them and also focus upon what is the Deeper understanding of these two personalities…

Continue reading Gurmukh Glow !

Miraculous Medicine !

We all have been ill in our life and the first thing we do when we are not feeling well, we call for a Doctor’s Appointment – Our Goal is to HEAL because we all know that “Being Sick” is not Good – Today, I share with you some learnings that directed me to some strategies that can forever keep us HEALTHY in all facets of LIFE.

Continue reading Miraculous Medicine !

Amazing Antidote !

Today’s post resonates upon the aspect of MENTAL HEALTH. Mental Health is of utmost importance and yet many of us fail to accept this FACT. We either ignore it or use it as an excuse to not perform in our daily affairs – In this series, I share some GREAT GIFTS that I have received from my Guru – and today’s article echoes on a GIFT that has helped me strengthen my Mental state and guided me to a Happy State of Being.

Continue reading Amazing Antidote !

Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today I confidently announce my Triumph…I have finally achieved my GOAL…This is my 52nd Post – The journey comes to an END…But as it ENDS…It brings with itself a NEW BEGINNING…Refreshing & Uplifting like a LEAF on the TREE.

Without further adieu…I share with you this last & the most crucial lesson from Mother Nature… Continue reading Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal