Fabulous Fibre !

Today we delve into the World of yet another Essential Nutrient – Fibre. We have all heard the word but do we really know what it denotes in the World of Health and WHY it is IMPORTANT to the SEEKERS of HEALTH ❤

Continue reading Fabulous Fibre !

Lifestyle Makeover !

As promised, we bring to you the next article in the series of “Clean Eat” – In the previous article, we learnt that dietary habits must be changed in order to live Healthy, but that alone isn’t enough – The art of B-FIT LIFESTYLE rests on the foundation of some daily practices that must be a part of our Personality…Time for a Lifestyle Modification.

Continue reading Lifestyle Makeover !

Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!

Today let us learn one more crucial aspect associated with Building Muscles – As I mentioned earlier, there is more to the simple connect between Protein & Muscles – and here comes the need to know about the Branched-chain amino acids BCAA.

Continue reading Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!


Last week we learnt about the Protein Requirements of each age group and how this requirement might, sometimes call for a CHANGE with respect to parameters like Growth, Activity Levels, Pregnancy, lactation, the need to build muscle, additional supply of Proteins, old age, injury & Surgery…Today let us contemplate on yet another key fact associated with Proteins.

Continue reading THINK TWICE !!!

Protein Package

In today’s article, we will be learning about the Concept of Protein Packages…If this is your FIRST TIME on our Blog, my humble request is to kindly refer to the previous articles, as this is an ongoing series on HEALTH…and many vital facts have been discussed in the previous articles…Getting on with Today’s Health Secret…

Continue reading Protein Package

Diabetes in Children

On November 14 each year we celebrate WORLD DIABETES DAY. There is yet another and important connect associated with 14 November – CHILDREN’S DAY. Besides these two connects, there is yet another Coincidence – the theme for  World Diabetes Day 2019 is Family and Diabetes.

Keeping in accordance with the uniqueness associated with this DATE & the theme being the in PERFECT SYNC – It is important that we unite together in spreading a very important message to the world on how FAMILY CARE & SUPPORT is a MUST when it comes to Diabetes. Continue reading Diabetes in Children

“Healthy Eating for College Students”(Part 4 of 4)

This is the last article in the series. Hopefully the information shared so far has been useful. I hope that as the series ends today with this last article, mothers will now be more stress-free and confident that a healthy college life is a REALITY that can be lived.

Today I share with YOU all 10 SIMPLE STRATEGIES that can serve as the 10 Yardsticks to a HEALTHY LIFE in College 🙂

Let’s begin… Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students”(Part 4 of 4)