B – Fit Lifestyle

When we change the calendar to reveal the 10th month of the year, we should have practically achieved 75% of our targets. Now is the TIME to review yourself. To get an idea of how the year was spent, each one of us must schedule some assessments to document the progress made with respect to the targets that were set way back in January...It is time for REVIEW !!!

Continue reading B – Fit Lifestyle

Math – The Essence Of Our Life !

Being well versed in this language of numbers, helps us make vital judgments and perform everyday tasks with PERFECTION – Precise reason why every individual is expected to know MATH if they seek SUCCESS…MATH, truly is the essence of LIFE !!!

Today let us delve deeper into an interesting aspect of MATH – Join me as we unravel some excellent connects associated with MATH & HEALTH.

Continue reading Math – The Essence Of Our Life !


We have been discussing the IMPORTANCE of Fats & how its intake IMPACT us – During the last couple of weeks, we learnt about the Different Fats types also now have a CLEAR IDEA on the Nutritional aspect associated with SAFA, MUFA, PUFA, BUTTER, GHEE. Confident, I am to say that, we are now in a better position to make the RIGHT CHOICES with respect to FATS, that are truly a macronutrient, our Body needs to stay HEALTHY.

However, there is yet one more concept associated with FATS that needs CLARITY – Only then can we say we have our FATS in CONTROL. TODAY, let us get to know what denotes a “Lipid Panel”

Continue reading LIPID PANEL !!!


A mere addition of a spoonful of this ingredient in our dishes heightens the taste and aroma, creating a memorable experience for those fortunate to enjoy that dish – any idea which is the ingredient I am mentioning here…Let’s READ to find out more about this Golden Treasure….

Continue reading THE GOLDEN TREASURE


When we talk of FATS – the first thing that comes to mind is NUTS, many of us are often confused when we are served the best variety of a blend of almond, walnuts and pecan at a party – These crunchy nuts, beyond a doubt tempt us to gobble a few handfuls & then we STOP.

The reason behind the hesitation is our understanding of NUTS…We have grown up hearing the NUTS are BAD because they are loaded with FATS…This statement regarding FATS isn’t incorrect, but neither can we say that this is perfectly RIGHT…so let’s get to know the FACTS of NUT FATS.

Continue reading NUT FACTORY – Know it ALL !


Known to the world for its numerous health benefits, Olive oil is considered “Nectar” throughout the world … Today, let us unravel the HEALTH benefits of this Precious Gift and sign a healthy contract with olive oil – to be always in our Pantry.

Continue reading Olive Oil = LIQUID GOLD

Peanut Butter – Is it HEALTHY ?

Peanut Butter….One of my all time favourite nut spreads – Today I thought of tackling this biggest misconception that most people hold against this Delicious NUT Spread – PEANUT BUTTER….Come Join me as we explore the Secrets to eating this delicious nut spread.

Continue reading Peanut Butter – Is it HEALTHY ?

Utterly Delicious – Butter

We are all aware of the tagline “Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul” – and the very minute, the words fall on our ears, we can almost visualize the drooling butter on Parathas and generous spreads on Toast…and with all these lovely food memories, we are also reminded of two important characters – Lord Krishna eating butter and the cute little Amul Girl inviting us all to have a toast with Butter.

Undeniably, as Children, Life was so Simple & Delicious, but as adults, when it comes to our Meals, we shun away from butter, because we have been sold the idea that BUTTER is BAD. Butter has its own Specific Place in the Healthy Platter – Today let us get to know the REAL Story of BUTTER.

Continue reading Utterly Delicious – Butter

Fat Mathematics

Eating the right amounts and right types of fat can go a long way toward reducing the disease risks and enhancing our overall health…Today we will be discussing the ideal Fat requirements of an individual and how much of each type to Fats needs to be consumed to stay HALE AND HEARTY.

Continue reading Fat Mathematics

FAT FACTS – Good V/s Bad

In our previous article we learnt about the importance of Fats and that fats indeed are GOOD …but after so many years of being told that fats are bad for our health, the theory that fat is good for us, is hard to swallow, but this what holds true. In today’s article, let us learn some detailed Facts about Fats, so that our selection regarding Fats become easier.

Continue reading FAT FACTS – Good V/s Bad