Fragrance of LIFE !

Today’s post shares an awareness that can help us comprehend the answer to our forever complains in life – It is true that each one of us wants to be celebrated and respected and yet each one of us fails to celebrate the other – instead of appreciating the GOODNESS that life sends our way we set ourselves up for a FIGHT – Why we do what we do…is a MYSTERY to us all – Join me for Baba Nanak has the answer to our missing link…

Continue reading Fragrance of LIFE !

BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

As we LOOK forward to GRAND CELEBRATIONS of the World Environment Day…It is a moment of PRIDE for INDIANS as India is the global host of 2018 World Environment Day which will take place on June 5, 2018.

With India being the host for the event…I believe it is a DUTY of every Indian to HONOR this RESPONSIBILITY jointly & Do their BEST to support the CAUSE and take it as a CALLING…that will benefit the future generations.

Before I step further… a few statistics…to make you want to be a part of this BIG CAUSE…Come JOIN ME… Continue reading BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

FOCUS on LIFE – 42/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Beyond a doubt…Life is very INTERESTING…It revels the REALITY in its own FABULOUS Style…Who can ever expect that the FLOWER can be so BRUTAL…Come join me as we LEARN something NEW… Something that can teach the art of staying IN FOCUS when it comes to LIFE !!! Continue reading FOCUS on LIFE – 42/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Seize the Moment – 24/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Time has this aspect of FLYING & if we don’t seize it – It just wanes…And then regret is what we have to deal with 😦

And this is not how one must LIVE.

In the rat race of my life – I had lost many wonderful moments that I should have seized with threads of celebrations – So today I could relive them through my MEMORIES…

But what is lost…is lost…can never be bought back.

But NEW can always be CREATEDwith this OPTIMISM I started creating NEW Connects in every aspect of my journey.

Today I take you on a journey of how my Anniversary Celebrations this years got me connected to MOTHER NATURE & BLESSED me with wonderful insights. Continue reading Seize the Moment – 24/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

God’s Handwriting – 10/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is Beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament.  Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Continue reading God’s Handwriting – 10/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Jab we met – Weekly Journal – 8/52

Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of their character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning. – Lydia M. Child Continue reading Jab we met – Weekly Journal – 8/52

Living Art – 3/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower” – Hans Christian Andersen – I belong to your tribe.

Good day to you all my Lovely Friends. As I write today – I am thinking of Mother Nature’s Gift that makes us SMILE & Feel Good. It is something that instantaneously inspires us to Live Beautiful. Continue reading Living Art – 3/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Day to REMEMBER -1/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Patience is a flower that does not grow in everyone’s garden. But I was fortunate to have seen one recently….and must say…It was Beautiful & Attractive to look at 🙂 Continue reading Day to REMEMBER -1/52- Weekly Photo Journal