Woman’s Beauty – Define it RIGHT <3

Today in this series on Menopause, we will be discussing “BEAUTY” – Beauty is a social Status for most of us and hence we want to look our BEST – But during the Menopausal years, CHANGES in our appearances make us unhappy…does that mean if we have to live that way for the rest of our days – Come join me as we learn some simple yet effective ways to STAY BEAUTY when Menopause knocks on our doors…

Continue reading Woman’s Beauty – Define it RIGHT ❤

The Fire Within ~Hot Flashes

Today’s article is about an important aspect of Menopause ~ “Hot Flashes. A lot of misleading DATA is circulating with respect to Hot Flashes – Through this article, I will be sharing some basic facts of “Hot Flashes” and what BEST can be done to handle them with ease.

Continue reading The Fire Within ~Hot Flashes

Decoding Health – The last connect !

Health awareness was a project visualized many years ago and today I am happy to say that I am writing the last post in this series – The post shares with you the  FINAL CONNECT– A PROMINENT aspect of Nutrition – one that many of us often overlook.

I personally believe that eating HEALTHY isn’t limited to merely sourcing the nutrient knowledge, it also encompasses how these nutrients are combined and cooked as MEALS so that we savor the taste, cherish the flavors, appreciate the nutrients and gift ourselves a profitable DEAL with respect to HEALTH.

Continue reading Decoding Health – The last connect !

Micro World !!!

This month we start our quest into the World of Micro nutrients, what they denote and how their need is essential for the body – Micronutrients are just as important to our overall health as macronutrients (that we have been discussing over the last 40 plus articles.) Let the adventures of the “Micro World’ begin…

Continue reading Micro World !!!

Food On The GO ~ ~ ~

Last week we learnt about the “Golden Ratio” & how it impacts our LIFE – This week let us tackle yet another interesting aspect – One that is universal to each one of us – FOOD on the GO How to make the RIGHT CHOICES.

Continue reading Food On The GO ~ ~ ~


When we talk of FATS – the first thing that comes to mind is NUTS, many of us are often confused when we are served the best variety of a blend of almond, walnuts and pecan at a party – These crunchy nuts, beyond a doubt tempt us to gobble a few handfuls & then we STOP.

The reason behind the hesitation is our understanding of NUTS…We have grown up hearing the NUTS are BAD because they are loaded with FATS…This statement regarding FATS isn’t incorrect, but neither can we say that this is perfectly RIGHT…so let’s get to know the FACTS of NUT FATS.

Continue reading NUT FACTORY – Know it ALL !

Fat Mathematics

Eating the right amounts and right types of fat can go a long way toward reducing the disease risks and enhancing our overall health…Today we will be discussing the ideal Fat requirements of an individual and how much of each type to Fats needs to be consumed to stay HALE AND HEARTY.

Continue reading Fat Mathematics

Happy Meals :)

Last week we not only celebrated the advantages of Vegetarian Proteins, but we also realized that all FOODS are Excellent sources of Nutrients and when we learnt the art of Smart Planning of Meals – we can make HEALTH a daily affair – Cheers to a Healthier YOU !!!

As promised, today we will be discussing some Cereal Pulse Combinations that can excite your Children.

Continue reading Happy Meals 🙂

Vegetarian Proteins !!!

“Vegetable Proteins are not healthy and it is very difficult for vegetarians to achieve their Protein Intake” – if this is of concern to you and you believe it to be TRUE – then this post is for you – Today let us reveal some facts so that this illogical myth no longer impacts our Health – Time to Celebrate the Fact that “Vegetarian Diets are indeed the way to a Healthy YOU”

Continue reading Vegetarian Proteins !!!

Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!

Today let us learn one more crucial aspect associated with Building Muscles – As I mentioned earlier, there is more to the simple connect between Protein & Muscles – and here comes the need to know about the Branched-chain amino acids BCAA.

Continue reading Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!