After a while…32/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

FAITH & WAIT – TWO essentials that will lead us to WONDERS galore…is the lesson I have learnt through the FLOWERS that I bought some time back…Indeed Mother Nature once again surprised me with her coincidental connects… reassuring the facts that…

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breath, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

Continue reading After a while…32/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Seize the Moment – 24/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Time has this aspect of FLYING & if we don’t seize it – It just wanes…And then regret is what we have to deal with 😦

And this is not how one must LIVE.

In the rat race of my life – I had lost many wonderful moments that I should have seized with threads of celebrations – So today I could relive them through my MEMORIES…

But what is lost…is lost…can never be bought back.

But NEW can always be CREATEDwith this OPTIMISM I started creating NEW Connects in every aspect of my journey.

Today I take you on a journey of how my Anniversary Celebrations this years got me connected to MOTHER NATURE & BLESSED me with wonderful insights. Continue reading Seize the Moment – 24/52 – Weekly Photo Journal