Guru Kripa is a Sanskrit term that denotes “Grace of the Guru.” In Hinduism, Guru Kripa is considered a faster path to moksha, or liberation from the cycle of life, death and rebirth…and thus it would be perfect to say that when we are Graced by the Guru, we are liberated from the entanglements of Karmic Accounts.

Today’s article is a continuation from the last week’s Post – “Web of Entanglements” – Excited to know if Guru’s Kripa liberated the two Brothers from their Entanglements. Read on…

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Perfectly Precious Gift !

Perfect Gifts are Precious to us – Because they make us SMILE – But is every GIFT “Perfectly Precious” – Today post is all about the strategies that make it possible for us to be a receiver of PERFECT GIFTS all through LIFE.

Continue reading Perfectly Precious Gift !