Guru Kripa is a Sanskrit term that denotes “Grace of the Guru.” In Hinduism, Guru Kripa is considered a faster path to moksha, or liberation from the cycle of life, death and rebirth…and thus it would be perfect to say that when we are Graced by the Guru, we are liberated from the entanglements of Karmic Accounts.

Today’s article is a continuation from the last week’s Post – “Web of Entanglements” – Excited to know if Guru’s Kripa liberated the two Brothers from their Entanglements. Read on…

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Mother’s LOVE !

Today marks 26th Anniversary of a Fantabulous Journey – 5th March it was, the Golden Hour Moment when I became a Mother – With absolutely no experience and any handbook to guide us – My husband and I started the journey of Wonders of a totally new kind – Today as I sit to pen my THOUGHTS, my reflections guide me to the everlasting support I have been receiving from Baba Nanak in this entire Process – Come join me as I share a PRAYER that beautifully resonates with the Mother – Child Bond.

Continue reading Mother’s LOVE !