Dazzling Connect !

This week we celebrated the Birth of Guru Nanak Dev ji – and all through the week, I was Blessed to embrace the teachings from different aspects – and as the reflections happened, there was ONE CORE Message that connected with me the most – Today, I share that Message with YOU – My Dear Readers!

Continue reading Dazzling Connect !

Perfectly Precious Gift !

Perfect Gifts are Precious to us – Because they make us SMILE – But is every GIFT “Perfectly Precious” – Today post is all about the strategies that make it possible for us to be a receiver of PERFECT GIFTS all through LIFE.

Continue reading Perfectly Precious Gift !

Game of LIFE !

The last few days have been filled with shocks and unpleasant moments – Indeed the unbelievable happened – Death knocked on the door of a loved one – and a beautiful Soul left for his journey back home – Helpless we were all, and yet the orders of Death had to be obeyed – and as I set myself to face the reality, I was directed to this thoughtful Shabad of Baba Nanak.

Continue reading Game of LIFE !

Decoding Health – The last connect !

Health awareness was a project visualized many years ago and today I am happy to say that I am writing the last post in this series – The post shares with you the  FINAL CONNECT– A PROMINENT aspect of Nutrition – one that many of us often overlook.

I personally believe that eating HEALTHY isn’t limited to merely sourcing the nutrient knowledge, it also encompasses how these nutrients are combined and cooked as MEALS so that we savor the taste, cherish the flavors, appreciate the nutrients and gift ourselves a profitable DEAL with respect to HEALTH.

Continue reading Decoding Health – The last connect !

Impromptu Gifts – 51/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The cream of enjoyment in this life is always impromptu. The chance walk; the unexpected visit; the unpremeditated journey; the unsought conversation or acquaintance.” ~ Fanny Fern

These are the WORDS that INSPIRED me to share with you some of my Enjoyable Moments – The impromptu Gifts that took me by Surprise and bought a SMILE on my face and left me amazed 🙂

Today I share with you some of my Impromptu Gifts – Ones I have received from Mother Nature…Let the JOURNEY of Gratifying Occurrences begin… Continue reading Impromptu Gifts – 51/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today’s post is inspired by a FUN moment on Facebook – as I was just having some “ME- MOMENTS” to unwind from the busy routine of life…and the REFLECTIONS that followed. Let’s unravel some SECRETS of the FUN MOMENTS of everyday LIFE 🙂 Continue reading In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Man on a Mission – 40/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

On the occasion of this year’s World Water Day (22 March) – Which is TODAY – Here is a SPECIAL Post celebrating 25 years of this initiative.

YES – This year World Water Day turns 25 !

Continue reading Man on a Mission – 40/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

The Missing Key – 37/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“I am not happy – Am I missing something…

Does this sound like the VOICE that speaks to YOU…in moments of SILENCE? Do you feel CONNECTED to these thoughts…Wondering if you are on the threshold of a BREAKDOWN… Do you often find your inner consciousness whispering… 

 “I think I have misplaced my key to Happiness !!! “

Time to…


Continue reading The Missing Key – 37/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“Ranga Panchami”

Today is the festival of “Ranga Panchami” – a Hindu festival – very similar to Holi. The joyous festival is celebrated on the 5th day – “Panchami” – of the Krishna Paksha (the waning phase of moon) during the “Phalgun” month of the Hindu calendar…Which is exactly 5 DAYS after HOLI…and is celebrated on the similar lines…

The eagerness to know the REASON behind these CELEBRATIONS…is what drove me to this NEW perspective of playing with COLORS 🙂

Continue reading “Ranga Panchami”

SNOW much FUN – 29/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

This is my FIRST New Year’s stories for you in my series of Wondrous Wednesdays – Apologies for being absent for THREE weeks – But when LIFE gives you an opportunity to be in the lap of Mother Nature – Learning some New Lessons – The delays don’t matter – coz the LEARNINGS are just AMAZING 🙂

This winter I had the opportunity of visiting USA for a SECOND Time – So glad I got to indulge in my inner child and LIVE a MOMENT that makes me feel WONDROUS 🙂 Continue reading SNOW much FUN – 29/52 – Weekly Photo Journal