Symbol of  Synchronicity – 27/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are – Anais Nin 

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are” – Who are WE – We are a REFLECTION of our mindfulness to life & its events & connects – It is we who give meaning to our situations & the circumstance that we find ourselves into. It is WE who define the RIGHT and the WRONG.

The insight that I share today has a lot to do with the FLOWER that excites us the most – Read to find out how & why our WORLD differs in spite of we all living in the SAME World & what has a FLOWER to do with this aspect of our everyday living !!! Continue reading Symbol of  Synchronicity – 27/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Dev Diwali – The Day of Liberation

Today is the auspicious day of Kartik Purnima – Dev Diwali – The GODS are HAPPY and prayers are answered on this auspicious day and each one of us is BLESSED… And to celebrate this occasion – The little lamp plays a significant role… Read along – Get connected to the many wonders associated with this “Special day” Continue reading Dev Diwali – The Day of Liberation

Mysteriously Magnificent – 21/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Every month, we are offered a CHANCE to do something new, something different, something that will make us HAPPY. And this HAPPINESS is linked to the MOON.

This post is about the mysterious aspects of Moon that I have recently discovered – Join me as I share with you some Magical Connects... Continue reading Mysteriously Magnificent – 21/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Raise Thy Spirit – 15/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“Hardships” design our “Destiny”  – They are like that jerk that forces us to wake up from our slumber – And Be HAPPY when they come….for it is our setbacks & Failures that  help us see the WORLD with New eyes…And the NEW WORLD seems a bit eerie 😦 

...And then came along…To my rescue Mother Nature’s cutest Creations 🙂

Today I bring you a lesson – I learnt from the SNOWFLAKES 🙂 I bet you must be wondering what it has got to do with the hardships of Life… Do read on & be surprised as I was one day – When Mother Nature introduced me to this Happy Connect  🙂 Continue reading Raise Thy Spirit – 15/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“Krishna Conscious”

What is the value of a prolonged life which is wasted, inexperienced by years in this world? Better a moment of full consciousness, because that gives one a start in searching after his supreme interest – Lord Krishna

The words – Did they set you THINKING – Why is a LIFE lived in awareness a must for us…Why do we need to live in “Full Consciousness” Continue reading “Krishna Conscious”

Happiness Reloaded !!!

For the ones who silently suffer on Mother’s day while the World around them celebrates and rejoices… I write this post.

There is always that someone – Special – with whom this Special Bond can be cherished on the Special day of Motherhood. Continue reading Happiness Reloaded !!!

Every journey has its own Twists & Turns

Picking from where we left last…The opportunity of being a “Parent Coach” was exciting…But it had its share of twists & Turns…Today I share with you…some crucial connects & decisions that were taken so that this opportunity could be put to its BEST usage 🙂 Continue reading Every journey has its own Twists & Turns

Pineapple – The Symbol of Hospitality !

Fresh fruits are essential to our well-being and we should always be thankful to Mother Nature who has blessed us with a variety of options to fill our platter.

However, many a times we refuse to add some fruits to our diets simply because we are oblivious of the nutritional benefits associated with them. These fruits charm us as we go about doing our grocery shopping, but they never find their way to our daily menus.

Time to INTRODUCE some NEW FRUITS to our DIETS….  Continue reading Pineapple – The Symbol of Hospitality !