Wheat is Great !!!

As promised, we bring to you our next part in the series of Fussy eaters – This time the emphasis will be on Wheat Based Staple Diets and how wheat contributes to HEALTH, when consumed in the RIGHT WAY.

Continue reading Wheat is Great !!!

Be the FLOW ~~~

Today I share with you yet another Fabulous Connect. Once again the Wisdom is derived from a FESTIVAL that falls TODAY. Come join me & let us all discover the wisdom concealed in the festivals that our Ancestors so kindly asked us to celebrate. Continue reading Be the FLOW ~~~

Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME :)

“May you LIVE all the DAYS of your LIFE” – These are the WORDS of a Beautiful Soul who BLESSED me each TIME we met 🙂 

“Blessings are your GREATEST assets” – I feel the statement holds TRUE for each one of us – We are safe in this World because our BLESSINGS act as a Shield and protect us from evil – Today as I write this post – I feel LUCKY to have been BLESSED by GOD with one of HIS Best child as my Guiding Angel. Continue reading Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME 🙂


TIME is an IMPORTANT commodity – We all know that…and so are MEAL TIMES…and yet very little attention is given to the consequences one must face…if wise choices are not made with respect to these two crucial aspects of life.

Today, let us pause for a MOMENT…and comprehend the VALUES that these two precious commodities…that are the FOUNDATION to a POWERFUL EXISTENCE of MANKIND !!!   Continue reading “TIME to CONNECT” – MEAL TIMES 🙂