Let’s DETOX !!!

In this Space of Learnings, the month of October was dedicated to Reflections and Renewal – we did get introduced to many new learnings related to HEALTH and how we all can live a “Healthy & Happy Life – Today, let us delve into yet another aspect that can make us stay “FIT” – The World of “DETOX” awaits us all…Let the journey of learnings begin…

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Fat Mathematics

Eating the right amounts and right types of fat can go a long way toward reducing the disease risks and enhancing our overall health…Today we will be discussing the ideal Fat requirements of an individual and how much of each type to Fats needs to be consumed to stay HALE AND HEARTY.

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Raising Champions !!!

Every child wants to be a Champion and that is where the quest begins – Mothers get busy searching for Extracurricular activities and Excellent teachers who can guide their children to be Champions in their respective Fields of Interest – But many a times, these DREAMS fall apart – the underline reason is – Becoming a champion requires more than this – Today, I introduce you to the SECRET of raising a Champion. Let the journey of unraveling begin…

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Millets are Miraculous !!!

Today we will be looking at one of one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world – MILLETS – The Best Staple food in terms of HEALTH – Come join me as we unravel the Healthy Connects associated with Millets.

Continue reading Millets are Miraculous !!!

“Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 1 of 4)

Only when we accept the seriousness of the dare – are we equipped with the power to find the solutions. So let us start the series with a question.

Is it really Challenging to Eat HEALTHY at College?

Allow me to introduce  you to The College Food Pyramid, which kind of explains it why most students find it difficult to stay healthy during this most vibrant milestone of their lives.

Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 1 of 4)

Sprouts – Power Packed with Nutrients

Healthy Eating is what we all prefer…and so the SEARCH for the BEST FOODS begins…HEALTH is simply a matter of EATING a BALANCED DIET and some FOODS offer just the PERFECT BALANCE of NUTRIENTS 🙂

These are the FOODS we must always have at hand…So that the MEALS that we EAT are HEALTHY & NUTRIENT DENSE…Today I will SHARE with you some facts associated with one such FOOD – SPROUTS 🙂 Continue reading Sprouts – Power Packed with Nutrients


A pinch of oregano on your pizza , a dash of cinnamon in your hot chocolate, a slice of ginger in your tea, a quarter teaspoon of turmeric in your milk ….all these simple additions to our daily food are quite common.

We all are aware of the basic fact that spices add taste to our food, but do you think that spices are just a source of taste enhancements or do they have much more to contribute. Continue reading SPICES – Know the BENEFITS 🙂