Leading the way – 45/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

A BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW for our CHILDREN is every parent’s DREAM…and every DREAM is within our REACH…and always in our hands…
But it is we who are simply ignorant of this REALITY … Let us TODAY explore the path that will help us realize this DREAM…of our CHILDREN… 

Continue reading Leading the way – 45/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Future looks BRIGHT :) – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I came across some words quoted by Margaret Mead…and they set me THINKING. Today’s post is reflective of these words…Come join ME…and TOGETHER we can find ways that will lead us to a BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL Future 🙂 Continue reading Future looks BRIGHT 🙂 – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 1 of 4)

Only when we accept the seriousness of the dare – are we equipped with the power to find the solutions. So let us start the series with a question.

Is it really Challenging to Eat HEALTHY at College?

Allow me to introduce  you to The College Food Pyramid, which kind of explains it why most students find it difficult to stay healthy during this most vibrant milestone of their lives.

Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 1 of 4)