Wheat is Great !!!

As promised, we bring to you our next part in the series of Fussy eaters – This time the emphasis will be on Wheat Based Staple Diets and how wheat contributes to HEALTH, when consumed in the RIGHT WAY.

Continue reading Wheat is Great !!!

Rice is Nice !!!

Fussy eaters – We are aware of this “TERM” but do we really know what the term denotes – Well, ask a Mother and she takes her kids to be a FUSSY eater for they give her a DIFFICULT TIME when meals are served…

Ask a Wife and she takes her husband to be a FUSSY EATER, for always comparing her served meals with his Mother

Continue reading Rice is Nice !!!

Be the FLOW ~~~

Today I share with you yet another Fabulous Connect. Once again the Wisdom is derived from a FESTIVAL that falls TODAY. Come join me & let us all discover the wisdom concealed in the festivals that our Ancestors so kindly asked us to celebrate. Continue reading Be the FLOW ~~~


15th August 1947 – The DAY when INDIA was finally declared a FREE NATION…and set itself on a PROGRESSIVE JOURNEY…71 Years of FREEDOM we INDIANS have been ENJOYING…and in a few years from Now… Our Platinum Celebrations await US 🙂


Continue reading Step in the RIGHT DIRECTION…

BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

As we LOOK forward to GRAND CELEBRATIONS of the World Environment Day…It is a moment of PRIDE for INDIANS as India is the global host of 2018 World Environment Day which will take place on June 5, 2018.

With India being the host for the event…I believe it is a DUTY of every Indian to HONOR this RESPONSIBILITY jointly & Do their BEST to support the CAUSE and take it as a CALLING…that will benefit the future generations.

Before I step further… a few statistics…to make you want to be a part of this BIG CAUSE…Come JOIN ME… Continue reading BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today’s post is inspired by a FUN moment on Facebook – as I was just having some “ME- MOMENTS” to unwind from the busy routine of life…and the REFLECTIONS that followed. Let’s unravel some SECRETS of the FUN MOMENTS of everyday LIFE 🙂 Continue reading In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Pure & Pristine – 48/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today I share with you some learnings associated with a FLOWER…One that is not only BEAUTIFUL to LOOK at…But it BESTOWS upon us SECRETS of LIFE 🙂

Let the JOURNEY of SECRETS begin…in the process you will DISCOVER YOURSELF…I assure you with this…  Continue reading Pure & Pristine – 48/52 – Weekly Photo Journal


Today’s post “TUM HO TO HUM HAIN” is dedicated to the REAL HEROES –  Who silently yet bravely are doing their BEST so we can be at REST with our LOVED ONES…Celebrating the HAPPY occasions that LIFE sends our way…

Come JOIN me as we together Salute to our Real Heroes – All the three forces of India, Para forces, Medics and the entire Defense for making INDIA feel proud. Continue reading “TUM HO TO HUM HAIN”