Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!

Today let us learn one more crucial aspect associated with Building Muscles – As I mentioned earlier, there is more to the simple connect between Protein & Muscles – and here comes the need to know about the Branched-chain amino acids BCAA.

Continue reading Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!

The NINE Essentials…

In our earlier articles, we learnt about the requirements of Proteins and Amino Acids and we also got introduced to the Concept of Essential Amino Acids (EAA) and the significant role they play in keeping us healthy & Fit. Today, let us get familiar with foods that contain these Essential Amino acids – for it is this familiarity that can help us be experts in “Smart Choices” and “Healthy Food Combinations” techniques that are the secret to being HEALTHY !!!

Continue reading The NINE Essentials…