The “WORLD” unites with a “Purpose”

World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on 4th of February all over the world to commemorate all the efforts done by the WHO, United Nations, governmental and nongovernmental health organizations towards making the fight against CANCER more sustainable.

The purpose is to unite people all over the World to spread “HOPE” to the many who are fighting their battle to this dreadful enemy. Continue reading The “WORLD” unites with a “Purpose”

“PAIN—It demands to be FELT”

Modern times have resulted in a lot of stress and unnecessary pressure on the little ones. As the years pass by, this stress increases and sometimes it ends in ways that we least expect it to be – Our children are heading towards a zone of No Return Continue reading “PAIN—It demands to be FELT”


“If you are ever in a dilemma and need some help, Toss the Coin – It works every time.” – This is the advice we often receive from our friends, family, colleagues and almost everyone. But does it really works – is what inspired me to write this post. Continue reading IS COIN TOSS MAGICAL !!!


Every move is tough and challenging, but you know what, CHANGE is sometimes a good thing….Because it can make us strong, keep us spirited, and help us evolve…So let us embrace “CHANGE” with “”GRACE”

Today as the “Month of Change”October – Comes to an end – and we bid Goodbye – allow me to share with you the Journey of CHANGE of a remarkable personality – who deserves to be applauded for embracing the Changes in her life with grace when CANCER knocked at her door ! Continue reading EMBRACE the CHANGE with GRACE


Today’s post “TUM HO TO HUM HAIN” is dedicated to the REAL HEROES –  Who silently yet bravely are doing their BEST so we can be at REST with our LOVED ONES…Celebrating the HAPPY occasions that LIFE sends our way…

Come JOIN me as we together Salute to our Real Heroes – All the three forces of India, Para forces, Medics and the entire Defense for making INDIA feel proud. Continue reading “TUM HO TO HUM HAIN”

My 22nd Wedding Anniversary deserves a “Swan Connect”.

The 22nd wedding anniversary might not be as BIG of a milestone as our 20th or 25th, and habitually most of us just look forward to celebrating just the 25th and 50th milestones in a big way – In my opinion every Anniversary has its significance. Continue reading My 22nd Wedding Anniversary deserves a “Swan Connect”.

“ME” Phase –Miscalculated Phase of Life

The empty house haunts you & you are not sure what is expected of YOU…and as the days pass by…YOU feel dejected…and miserable 😦

If this is how you have been feeling recently…You have entered that the most daunting phase of you LIFE…and I assure YOU that YOU are not ALONE in this PHASE…There are MANY among us…who feel LOST & CONFUSED when this PHASE arrives…

Today I share with some REALITIES associated with this phase…JOIN ME…Let us together DISCOVER some NEW CONNECTS 🙂 Continue reading “ME” Phase –Miscalculated Phase of Life

Be a “Pillar of Strength” for your child !!!

Parenting is a BLESSING…One that is secretly CHERISHED but rarely is it APPRECIATED with HONESTY & GRATITUDE…

Today I share with you some MISSING LINKS of the BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY of PARENTING…As you READ on…Do have a LOOK at the PILE OF LETTERS… Continue reading Be a “Pillar of Strength” for your child !!!

Self-Centered – Are WE ???

“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation” Powerful quote by C. Everett Koop.

The quote has always been the finest benchmark in my extraordinary journey of parenting…I forever believe that…Being a parent is the Greatest Blessing and our Children are precious to us…and yet at times we get so “Self Centered” in our journeys…

Today…I share with you some personal connects – My perspectives of this BLESSED JOURNEY… Continue reading Self-Centered – Are WE ???

October – “Knight in Shining Armor”

Time to turn over the pages of our Calenders…October is here…and each one of us is excited for this NEW MONTH…The Month of OCTOBER…which brings with itself  so many CHANGES. Today I share with you a Fabulous CONNECT that I associate with this NEW MONTH 🙂 

Continue reading October – “Knight in Shining Armor”