We are aware of Guru Nanak Dev ji’s travels – Baba Nanak visited many countries with the sole intent to spread the Divine message of God and how one must live an honored life – All along these travels was his companion Bhai Mardana ji, the Rebab player. And we all know that Bhai Mardana was a Muslim…This snippet that I share today is from the times when they both reached the city of Baghdad.

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Timely Wisdom !

Timely Wisdom” – as the word suggests, denotes the Correct Application of the Right Knowledge at the Right Time… But can we say that our Life Decisions are “SPOT ON” – Read to know why it is Blessed to be Gifted the Art of “Timely Wisdom”

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Friendship with God !

Parenting is a Fabulous Gift and the Journey of Parenting is Awesome and yet many of us fail to enjoy it because we are entertaining darkness. As Parents we desire the BEST for our CHILD and yet we end up creating barriers with our CHILDREN – Our Parenting Trails are dotted with Fears – Precise reason being, we have “Trust Issues” with our Children – The Generation Gap also contributes to our FEARS – How can we then expect our children to then grow up to be JOYFUL in LIFE, when we are constantly giving them reasons to live in doubts – Join me as we unravel the Secrets to Joyful Children…

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Dazzling Connect !

This week we celebrated the Birth of Guru Nanak Dev ji – and all through the week, I was Blessed to embrace the teachings from different aspects – and as the reflections happened, there was ONE CORE Message that connected with me the most – Today, I share that Message with YOU – My Dear Readers!

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Fragrance of LIFE !

Today’s post shares an awareness that can help us comprehend the answer to our forever complains in life – It is true that each one of us wants to be celebrated and respected and yet each one of us fails to celebrate the other – instead of appreciating the GOODNESS that life sends our way we set ourselves up for a FIGHT – Why we do what we do…is a MYSTERY to us all – Join me for Baba Nanak has the answer to our missing link…

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At the core of most major religions, there is spiritual wisdom that echoes on the philosophy that GOD resides in ALL and yet many of us are just not interested in this TRUTH – Ever wondered WHY – because we are so busy playing the Game of Hide & Seek. The Games keeps us entangled and also prevent our children from living a “True Life” – If you are a Parent who wants their child to live with CONFIDENCE, then this Post is for YOU !

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Guru Kripa is a Sanskrit term that denotes “Grace of the Guru.” In Hinduism, Guru Kripa is considered a faster path to moksha, or liberation from the cycle of life, death and rebirth…and thus it would be perfect to say that when we are Graced by the Guru, we are liberated from the entanglements of Karmic Accounts.

Today’s article is a continuation from the last week’s Post – “Web of Entanglements” – Excited to know if Guru’s Kripa liberated the two Brothers from their Entanglements. Read on…

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Life is Beautiful and yet many of us are ignorant of this BEAUTY – Ever wondered what is the “Missing Link” – Today, I will be sharing yet another story that revolves around the Art of Seeing BEAUTY in LIFE…Join me in this NEW SNIPPET of Awareness…This is a TWIN ARTICLE – and so don’t forget to catch up NEXT WEEK as well to comprehend the message in totality.

Continue reading WEB of WANTS !

Perfectly Precious Gift !

Perfect Gifts are Precious to us – Because they make us SMILE – But is every GIFT “Perfectly Precious” – Today post is all about the strategies that make it possible for us to be a receiver of PERFECT GIFTS all through LIFE.

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