Revitalizing Recitals !

Today, I bring to you a snippet from the life of Guru Har Rai – The seventh of Ten Gurus of the Sikh religion…Guru ji was generous and would always respond to the queries with fascinating connects – Come join me as we explore one of the many wondrous Life Connects of Guru Har Rai Ji.

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Pain ~ Pleasure Decoded !

Today’s Post is very Special for it echoes on the drums of Pain & Pleasure – and though no one in this world is a seeker of pain and yet pain has its ways of sneaking into our LIFE. In this post, I share with you a STORY and some Connects from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib that can help us erase pain from our LIFE.

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Powerful Living : Managing your Risks

Women are known for their multitasking abilities – From their mommy duties to the boardroom meeting, they are always on the go…however, this versatile attitude of a woman becomes the most challenging aspect in life during her Menopausal years… Join me today, and together, let us learn how, a woman can be POWERFUL when life throws her a “Googly

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Enriching Encounter !

Spirituality is a Universal, Personalized Experience, and everyone’s experience is unique…and so the question arises – Can we all have a Spiritual Experience and if so how can one get started with the Journey….Today’s Post is about an interesting encounter – a conversation between two intelligent friends – both happily walking the trails of Spirituality – A Doubt and a Clarification intertwined – A friendly chat helped them get closer to their Goals of Spirituality…

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Love Letter !

Writing Love Letters is no longer the need of Today’s World – Better forms of Communication and must say faster modes of Communication have been invented and yet I assure you that Love Letters make the PERFECT GIFT when you want to reach out to your loved ones and share your Heart…Today’s post is about the LOVE LETTERS that gifted mankind a Precious Gift. Time to unravel the secret…

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Blessed Union !

Today is the auspicious day of a Blessed Union between two souls – Sikhs across the Globe are celebrating 535th Marriage Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev ji TODAY – I see it as a PERFECT DAY to share a few snippets of that SPECIAL DAY !

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Silent Dangers ~ Risks After Menopause

Menopause, no doubt is “Nature’s Blessing in Disguise” for all women. It helps HER reach a stage in life where we can explore a more significant and meaningful lifetime for HERSELF … and yet there is something that SHE needs to know – Today’s post talks about the “DANGERS” that might get entry into a Woman’s Life after Menopause !

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200th POST – Celebration Time !!!

On the FOURTH DAY after the NEW MOON that occurs in the Month of Bhadrapada (Hindu Calendar) people of the Hindu Culture celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi to pay homage to Lord Ganesh…For me the festival holds a Special Connect – It was on this Blessed Day, back in 2016, when I started my Blog Journey – and this YEAR happens to be all the most Blessed as I touched upon my Milestone Achievement ~ Time for some Celebrations !

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We all want to live an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE but we are not willing to take the Highway that can get us to our Goal – wondering why – Because we haven’t really care to know what denotes an “Extraordinary Life” – Today I share with you a thought-provoking connect – One that will make you SMILE and also help you take the Road to Excellence.

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Today’s Post is about the Importance of LOVE & LIFE & Helium Balloons …and a common thread that binds them all is Baba Fareed (Farid) – Muslim Mystic of the medieval period.

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