Maize is Mind-Blowing !!!

The typically yellow or white kernels that comes on a cob, protected by a husk is the STAPLE FOOD that we will be discussing TODAY – Amazed you will be to know that Maize (or Corn, as it is known in some parts of the world) is perhaps the world’s most important food crop, a staple food in many parts of the World.

Maize has its own distinctiveness & truly justifies the tag – Maize is mind-blowing…But FIRST let us solve the Mysterious connection between Maize and Corn.

Continue reading Maize is Mind-Blowing !!!

Health Through Awareness: A Step Forward

Drop the last year into the SILENT LIMBO of the past…Let it go…for it was IMPERFECT, and THANK GOD that it can go…Let us start this New Year on a note of being aware and staying healthy.

Continue reading Health Through Awareness: A Step Forward

Diabetes: When it gets Complicated…

Today we bring to you the last article in the Series of Diabetes – Diabetes is a progressive disease and a risk factor for many diseases. Even if your diabetes is in total control, you can still experience complications. So, Be Aware – Be Alert Continue reading Diabetes: When it gets Complicated…


Every move is tough and challenging, but you know what, CHANGE is sometimes a good thing….Because it can make us strong, keep us spirited, and help us evolve…So let us embrace “CHANGE” with “”GRACE”

Today as the “Month of Change”October – Comes to an end – and we bid Goodbye – allow me to share with you the Journey of CHANGE of a remarkable personality – who deserves to be applauded for embracing the Changes in her life with grace when CANCER knocked at her door ! Continue reading EMBRACE the CHANGE with GRACE