Utterly Delicious – Butter

We are all aware of the tagline “Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul” – and the very minute, the words fall on our ears, we can almost visualize the drooling butter on Parathas and generous spreads on Toast…and with all these lovely food memories, we are also reminded of two important characters – Lord Krishna eating butter and the cute little Amul Girl inviting us all to have a toast with Butter.

Undeniably, as Children, Life was so Simple & Delicious, but as adults, when it comes to our Meals, we shun away from butter, because we have been sold the idea that BUTTER is BAD. Butter has its own Specific Place in the Healthy Platter – Today let us get to know the REAL Story of BUTTER.

Continue reading Utterly Delicious – Butter

“Krishna Conscious”

What is the value of a prolonged life which is wasted, inexperienced by years in this world? Better a moment of full consciousness, because that gives one a start in searching after his supreme interest – Lord Krishna

The words – Did they set you THINKING – Why is a LIFE lived in awareness a must for us…Why do we need to live in “Full Consciousness” Continue reading “Krishna Conscious”