Powerful Living : Managing your Risks

Women are known for their multitasking abilities – From their mommy duties to the boardroom meeting, they are always on the go…however, this versatile attitude of a woman becomes the most challenging aspect in life during her Menopausal years… Join me today, and together, let us learn how, a woman can be POWERFUL when life throws her a “Googly

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Silent Dangers ~ Risks After Menopause

Menopause, no doubt is “Nature’s Blessing in Disguise” for all women. It helps HER reach a stage in life where we can explore a more significant and meaningful lifetime for HERSELF … and yet there is something that SHE needs to know – Today’s post talks about the “DANGERS” that might get entry into a Woman’s Life after Menopause !

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Emotional Fragility: Mood Swings

Time and again we are told to “Dance to the Rhythm of LIFE” and we do – The changing beats of life forever keep us busy and going — But things change in our late 40s & early 50s – For many women, Life gets chaotic when “Menopausal Music” is played – Not many are ready to DANCE to this NEW BEAT of LIFE – Wondering Why?

Continue reading Emotional Fragility: Mood Swings

Woman’s Beauty – Define it RIGHT <3

Today in this series on Menopause, we will be discussing “BEAUTY” – Beauty is a social Status for most of us and hence we want to look our BEST – But during the Menopausal years, CHANGES in our appearances make us unhappy…does that mean if we have to live that way for the rest of our days – Come join me as we learn some simple yet effective ways to STAY BEAUTY when Menopause knocks on our doors…

Continue reading Woman’s Beauty – Define it RIGHT ❤

The Fire Within ~Hot Flashes

Today’s article is about an important aspect of Menopause ~ “Hot Flashes. A lot of misleading DATA is circulating with respect to Hot Flashes – Through this article, I will be sharing some basic facts of “Hot Flashes” and what BEST can be done to handle them with ease.

Continue reading The Fire Within ~Hot Flashes

Metamorphosis: Menopausal Years

Metamorphosis – The word though associated with “Process of Transformation” of a caterpillar into a Gorgeous Butterfly bears its significance in every person’s life as well – To put it in SIMPLE WORDS – Metamorphosis is just the development of something from one stage to another…and it has its stages …. Today we will learn the link between Menopause & Metamorphosis.

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