We are aware of Guru Nanak Dev ji’s travels – Baba Nanak visited many countries with the sole intent to spread the Divine message of God and how one must live an honored life – All along these travels was his companion Bhai Mardana ji, the Rebab player. And we all know that Bhai Mardana was a Muslim…This snippet that I share today is from the times when they both reached the city of Baghdad.

Continue reading ASK & RECEIVE !

Fragrance of LIFE !

Today’s post shares an awareness that can help us comprehend the answer to our forever complains in life – It is true that each one of us wants to be celebrated and respected and yet each one of us fails to celebrate the other – instead of appreciating the GOODNESS that life sends our way we set ourselves up for a FIGHT – Why we do what we do…is a MYSTERY to us all – Join me for Baba Nanak has the answer to our missing link…

Continue reading Fragrance of LIFE !

I am in Control of My Child’s Breakfast…

In my country of Residence, DUBAI, Schools opened up last week and hence the flow of Anxiety in all homes – I have been hearing about the anxiety attack from parents regarding the Breakfast Options …The “Tug of war”, as I refer to it, of the Daily Grind of a Mother’s life has started…In this article, today, let us learn some thought-provoking concepts associated with BREAKFAST and how we as MOTHERS can win the DEAL…and end this “Tug of War” over BREAKFAST every MORNING!

Continue reading I am in Control of My Child’s Breakfast…