Micro World !!!

This month we start our quest into the World of Micro nutrients, what they denote and how their need is essential for the body – Micronutrients are just as important to our overall health as macronutrients (that we have been discussing over the last 40 plus articles.) Let the adventures of the “Micro World’ begin…

Continue reading Micro World !!!

Peanut Butter – Is it HEALTHY ?

Peanut Butter….One of my all time favourite nut spreads – Today I thought of tackling this biggest misconception that most people hold against this Delicious NUT Spread – PEANUT BUTTER….Come Join me as we explore the Secrets to eating this delicious nut spread.

Continue reading Peanut Butter – Is it HEALTHY ?

Vegetarian Proteins !!!

“Vegetable Proteins are not healthy and it is very difficult for vegetarians to achieve their Protein Intake” – if this is of concern to you and you believe it to be TRUE – then this post is for you – Today let us reveal some facts so that this illogical myth no longer impacts our Health – Time to Celebrate the Fact that “Vegetarian Diets are indeed the way to a Healthy YOU”

Continue reading Vegetarian Proteins !!!

Sweet Potato – Smart “add-ons”

Today, let us get introduced to a rare Staple Food – SWEET POTATO. In parts of Africa, sweet potatoes are a daily staple….and you will be amazed to know that Sweet Potato are available in a variety of Colors – white, yellow and even purple varieties.

They are a PERFECT ADDITION to our Rainbow Diets…Let us get to know the Sweet Potato with respect to the NUTRITION they offer…

Continue reading Sweet Potato – Smart “add-ons”

Sprouts – Power Packed with Nutrients

Healthy Eating is what we all prefer…and so the SEARCH for the BEST FOODS begins…HEALTH is simply a matter of EATING a BALANCED DIET and some FOODS offer just the PERFECT BALANCE of NUTRIENTS 🙂

These are the FOODS we must always have at hand…So that the MEALS that we EAT are HEALTHY & NUTRIENT DENSE…Today I will SHARE with you some facts associated with one such FOOD – SPROUTS 🙂 Continue reading Sprouts – Power Packed with Nutrients


A pinch of oregano on your pizza , a dash of cinnamon in your hot chocolate, a slice of ginger in your tea, a quarter teaspoon of turmeric in your milk ….all these simple additions to our daily food are quite common.

We all are aware of the basic fact that spices add taste to our food, but do you think that spices are just a source of taste enhancements or do they have much more to contribute. Continue reading SPICES – Know the BENEFITS 🙂