To Shine – You Must Rise :)

“BACK to SCHOOL” – The PHASE is BACK – CHALLENGING TIMES are HERE !!! Are YOU ready to accept the challenges & come out a WINNER in this phase of your Life…this is where your SEARCH ends…. Continue reading To Shine – You Must Rise 🙂

Seize the Moment – 24/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Time has this aspect of FLYING & if we don’t seize it – It just wanes…And then regret is what we have to deal with 😦

And this is not how one must LIVE.

In the rat race of my life – I had lost many wonderful moments that I should have seized with threads of celebrations – So today I could relive them through my MEMORIES…

But what is lost…is lost…can never be bought back.

But NEW can always be CREATEDwith this OPTIMISM I started creating NEW Connects in every aspect of my journey.

Today I take you on a journey of how my Anniversary Celebrations this years got me connected to MOTHER NATURE & BLESSED me with wonderful insights. Continue reading Seize the Moment – 24/52 – Weekly Photo Journal