I am WORTHY – 33/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

To be surrounded by plants – To wake up to the GREEN aura – To witness the opening of a bud – To be overwhelmed when a New leaf sprouts…are some of the GIFTS that we receive when we choose GARDENING as our HOBBY 🙂 Continue reading I am WORTHY – 33/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

After a while…32/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

FAITH & WAIT – TWO essentials that will lead us to WONDERS galore…is the lesson I have learnt through the FLOWERS that I bought some time back…Indeed Mother Nature once again surprised me with her coincidental connects… reassuring the facts that…

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breath, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

Continue reading After a while…32/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

True to LIFE – 31/52 – Weekly photo Journal

TIME to connect with each other in yet another INSPIRATIONAL lesson from Mother Nature 🙂

Times change, years go by and life takes its own turns, but our memories (Positive ones) always inspire us to live a meaningful life…Today I share with you MEMORIES of a MOMENT that helped ME – Appreciate the BEAUTY of LIFE in places where we least expect it to be…
Continue reading True to LIFE – 31/52 – Weekly photo Journal

SNOW much FUN – 29/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

This is my FIRST New Year’s stories for you in my series of Wondrous Wednesdays – Apologies for being absent for THREE weeks – But when LIFE gives you an opportunity to be in the lap of Mother Nature – Learning some New Lessons – The delays don’t matter – coz the LEARNINGS are just AMAZING 🙂

This winter I had the opportunity of visiting USA for a SECOND Time – So glad I got to indulge in my inner child and LIVE a MOMENT that makes me feel WONDROUS 🙂 Continue reading SNOW much FUN – 29/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Symbol of  Synchronicity – 27/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are – Anais Nin 

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are” – Who are WE – We are a REFLECTION of our mindfulness to life & its events & connects – It is we who give meaning to our situations & the circumstance that we find ourselves into. It is WE who define the RIGHT and the WRONG.

The insight that I share today has a lot to do with the FLOWER that excites us the most – Read to find out how & why our WORLD differs in spite of we all living in the SAME World & what has a FLOWER to do with this aspect of our everyday living !!! Continue reading Symbol of  Synchronicity – 27/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Timeless Treasures – 26/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“You will, if you’re wise and know the art of travel, let yourself go on the stream of the unknown and accept whatever comes in the spirit in which the gods may offer it.” ― Freya Stark

I borrow these words to describe our adventures of a journey when our loss was our gain – Come join me in my ADVENTURES of the UNKNOWN – They made me realize that sometimes losing isn’t a loss !!! Continue reading Timeless Treasures – 26/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Stealing the Show – 22/52- weekly Photo Journal

Myles Munroe quoted these words – “You are designed by God not to blend in, but to stand out” – Today’s post is about Mother Nature obedient child who has always followed this advice –  Any guesses on who is the one who always aspires to “Steal the Show” with its presence 🙂 Continue reading Stealing the Show – 22/52- weekly Photo Journal

Future looks BRIGHT :) – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I came across some words quoted by Margaret Mead…and they set me THINKING. Today’s post is reflective of these words…Come join ME…and TOGETHER we can find ways that will lead us to a BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL Future 🙂 Continue reading Future looks BRIGHT 🙂 – 20/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Enriching Experiences – 18/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves.” 

These are the profound words by Andy Goldsworthy. Did these WORDS make you uncomfortable…For when we feel disconnected…Life seems worthless…and we feel lost 😦 Continue reading Enriching Experiences – 18/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Trail of Happiness – 17/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Butterflies put us on the TRAIL to HAPPINESS – This is a FACT – A reality that I live TODAY.

Mother Nature sends us these elegant Butterflies as her gesture that indicates that the TIME has COME to EXPLORE NEW HORIZONS & Get yourself on a NEW TRAIL – A TRAIL of HAPPINESS… 🙂 Continue reading Trail of Happiness – 17/52- Weekly Photo Journal