Wanderlust :) – 7/52 Weekly Photo Journal

“The Tech Smarty world is your playground” – These words seemed to have captured our minds…but what about the heart – Does it feel safe in this world – Not really 😦 Continue reading Wanderlust 🙂 – 7/52 Weekly Photo Journal

Living Art – 3/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower” – Hans Christian Andersen – I belong to your tribe.

Good day to you all my Lovely Friends. As I write today – I am thinking of Mother Nature’s Gift that makes us SMILE & Feel Good. It is something that instantaneously inspires us to Live Beautiful. Continue reading Living Art – 3/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“Connecting People to Nature”

Since the beginning of TIME, Mother Nature has spread her arms and bestowed upon us HER Blessings galore…WONDERS are SPREAD all over..if we care to SEE…we will find BEAUTY in the smallest of things…

Today I pay tribute to the Awe inspiring POWER of Mother Nature…and set myself on a NEW ADVENTURE of MEMORIES galore….

Continue reading “Connecting People to Nature”