Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!

Today let us learn one more crucial aspect associated with Building Muscles – As I mentioned earlier, there is more to the simple connect between Protein & Muscles – and here comes the need to know about the Branched-chain amino acids BCAA.

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Last week we learnt about the Protein Requirements of each age group and how this requirement might, sometimes call for a CHANGE with respect to parameters like Growth, Activity Levels, Pregnancy, lactation, the need to build muscle, additional supply of Proteins, old age, injury & Surgery…Today let us contemplate on yet another key fact associated with Proteins.

Continue reading THINK TWICE !!!

Protein Package

In today’s article, we will be learning about the Concept of Protein Packages…If this is your FIRST TIME on our Blog, my humble request is to kindly refer to the previous articles, as this is an ongoing series on HEALTH…and many vital facts have been discussed in the previous articles…Getting on with Today’s Health Secret…

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The NINE Essentials…

In our earlier articles, we learnt about the requirements of Proteins and Amino Acids and we also got introduced to the Concept of Essential Amino Acids (EAA) and the significant role they play in keeping us healthy & Fit. Today, let us get familiar with foods that contain these Essential Amino acids – for it is this familiarity that can help us be experts in “Smart Choices” and “Healthy Food Combinations” techniques that are the secret to being HEALTHY !!!

Continue reading The NINE Essentials…

Protein Procurement

Our bodies are good at storing fats and some sugars but not good at storing proteins. This is the precise reason; we must eat Proteins on a daily basis. Today let us delve into the World of Nutrition and introduce ourselves to the vast variety of Protein Foods available to us – Let our food be the only SOURCE of Proteins, and not any supplements unless specified by the Doctor.

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My counselling sessions always start with this query – What are Proteins & how can I add them to my Meals ? …Upon exchange of information, stunned I am to know, how misinformed our Society is on the aspect of Health & Nutrients and more so about the importance of PROTEINS – the most essential nutrient our body needs to be FIT & HEALTHY. Today, I share with you some Facts related to PROTEINS.

Continue reading KNOW thy PROTEINS !!!

Raising Champions !!!

Every child wants to be a Champion and that is where the quest begins – Mothers get busy searching for Extracurricular activities and Excellent teachers who can guide their children to be Champions in their respective Fields of Interest – But many a times, these DREAMS fall apart – the underline reason is – Becoming a champion requires more than this – Today, I introduce you to the SECRET of raising a Champion. Let the journey of unraveling begin…

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