Health Through Awareness: A Step Forward

Drop the last year into the SILENT LIMBO of the past…Let it go…for it was IMPERFECT, and THANK GOD that it can go…Let us start this New Year on a note of being aware and staying healthy.

Continue reading Health Through Awareness: A Step Forward


Every move is tough and challenging, but you know what, CHANGE is sometimes a good thing….Because it can make us strong, keep us spirited, and help us evolve…So let us embrace “CHANGE” with “”GRACE”

Today as the “Month of Change”October – Comes to an end – and we bid Goodbye – allow me to share with you the Journey of CHANGE of a remarkable personality – who deserves to be applauded for embracing the Changes in her life with grace when CANCER knocked at her door ! Continue reading EMBRACE the CHANGE with GRACE

“ME” Phase –Miscalculated Phase of Life

The empty house haunts you & you are not sure what is expected of YOU…and as the days pass by…YOU feel dejected…and miserable 😦

If this is how you have been feeling recently…You have entered that the most daunting phase of you LIFE…and I assure YOU that YOU are not ALONE in this PHASE…There are MANY among us…who feel LOST & CONFUSED when this PHASE arrives…

Today I share with some REALITIES associated with this phase…JOIN ME…Let us together DISCOVER some NEW CONNECTS 🙂 Continue reading “ME” Phase –Miscalculated Phase of Life

“New Beginnings” – International Parent Coaching Program (IPCP)

If you are a DREAMER…You will Connect to the reality that DREAMS do come true…if we have the patience & the perseverance to overcome any obstacles that might block our path…Life is all about “New Beginnings”

With these thoughts…I share with my connects of a JOURNEY that was just a THOUGHT in my mind…But with perseverance & Patience…It is now a REALITY !!!

Continue reading “New Beginnings” – International Parent Coaching Program (IPCP)