Wednesday Wisdom :) Teenage Special

Sometimes it just takes a word to bring back the FEARS & CHALLENGES that the future holds in store for us…For parents that word is “COLLEGE”

The mention of the WORD itself takes us back on our personal journeys of that phase…and then we find it difficult to control our fears with respect to COLLEGE LIFE…for our children…

Today I start a NEW JOURNEY…come join me as we EXPLORE the WORLD of TEENAGERS & their JOURNEYS…and how with a SIMPLE approach we can guide them towards a Fabulous College Experience 🙂 Continue reading Wednesday Wisdom 🙂 Teenage Special

Opportunities KNOCK !!!

“When opportunity knocks on your door, always be willing to take a chance, because you never know how perfect something could turn out to be.”

My THOUGHTS are concealed in these WORDS…and I would rather like to put it as…OPPORTUNITIES can gift us many Valuable Memories to SMILE 🙂 Today I share with you an OPPORTUNITY that OPEN the DOORS to WONDERS galore 🙂 Continue reading Opportunities KNOCK !!!