Friendship with God !

Parenting is a Fabulous Gift and the Journey of Parenting is Awesome and yet many of us fail to enjoy it because we are entertaining darkness. As Parents we desire the BEST for our CHILD and yet we end up creating barriers with our CHILDREN – Our Parenting Trails are dotted with Fears – Precise reason being, we have “Trust Issues” with our Children – The Generation Gap also contributes to our FEARS – How can we then expect our children to then grow up to be JOYFUL in LIFE, when we are constantly giving them reasons to live in doubts – Join me as we unravel the Secrets to Joyful Children…

Continue reading Friendship with God !

Magnets of Love !

Today’s post echoes on the “Power of Magnets” – As kids we have always been attracted to Magnets – The fun games of attracting paper pins to a magnet have always been enjoyed…but do we know what do Magnets relate to when it comes to LIFE…Join me as we unravel yet another interesting lesson connected with Sikhi.

Continue reading Magnets of Love !

Mother’s LOVE !

Today marks 26th Anniversary of a Fantabulous Journey – 5th March it was, the Golden Hour Moment when I became a Mother – With absolutely no experience and any handbook to guide us – My husband and I started the journey of Wonders of a totally new kind – Today as I sit to pen my THOUGHTS, my reflections guide me to the everlasting support I have been receiving from Baba Nanak in this entire Process – Come join me as I share a PRAYER that beautifully resonates with the Mother – Child Bond.

Continue reading Mother’s LOVE !


September is a National Childhood Obesity Awareness month. I will be sharing a few connects on how to work towards a “Raising a Healthy Family” & be excellent ROLE MODELS to our little angels…Let the journey of Happy & Healthy Family begin…

Continue reading Raising a HEALTHY FAMILY !

Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal

A meaningful afternoon spent with my friend inspired me to write these thoughts. This friend of mine was a new addition to my life & this was our very first meeting – and as we all know…Women often tend to connect on common grounds…and matters of the FAMILY & PERSONAL CHALLENGES always tend to intertwine in their conversations…

What I share today is based on my Reflections I had after my meeting with this new friend…And I am confident…You too will CONNECT with the ECHO of my THOUGHTS. Continue reading Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal

“ME” Phase –Miscalculated Phase of Life

The empty house haunts you & you are not sure what is expected of YOU…and as the days pass by…YOU feel dejected…and miserable 😦

If this is how you have been feeling recently…You have entered that the most daunting phase of you LIFE…and I assure YOU that YOU are not ALONE in this PHASE…There are MANY among us…who feel LOST & CONFUSED when this PHASE arrives…

Today I share with some REALITIES associated with this phase…JOIN ME…Let us together DISCOVER some NEW CONNECTS 🙂 Continue reading “ME” Phase –Miscalculated Phase of Life

The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings :)

I am not a cricket fan – but somehow the word “Innings” has always attracted me and if you were to search its meaning on Google – You might too approach it with a little extra respect for it simply means – “A period during which a person or group is active or effective.”

Now you all must be wondering – What has “Innings” got to do with the  “Empty Nest Syndrome.”  Continue reading The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings 🙂

Be a “Pillar of Strength” for your child !!!

Parenting is a BLESSING…One that is secretly CHERISHED but rarely is it APPRECIATED with HONESTY & GRATITUDE…

Today I share with you some MISSING LINKS of the BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY of PARENTING…As you READ on…Do have a LOOK at the PILE OF LETTERS… Continue reading Be a “Pillar of Strength” for your child !!!

Self-Centered – Are WE ???

“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation” Powerful quote by C. Everett Koop.

The quote has always been the finest benchmark in my extraordinary journey of parenting…I forever believe that…Being a parent is the Greatest Blessing and our Children are precious to us…and yet at times we get so “Self Centered” in our journeys…

Today…I share with you some personal connects – My perspectives of this BLESSED JOURNEY… Continue reading Self-Centered – Are WE ???

Real Parenting

Parenting is a Blissful Journey…and we all are in search for the BEST in our Journeys…This sets us on the path of awareness…and lessons that are required to achieve the BEST 🙂

Today…let us connect to some awareness…some lessons…that can lead us to REAL PARENTING…also known as “Blissful Parenting”  Continue reading Real Parenting