Friendship with God !

Parenting is a Fabulous Gift and the Journey of Parenting is Awesome and yet many of us fail to enjoy it because we are entertaining darkness. As Parents we desire the BEST for our CHILD and yet we end up creating barriers with our CHILDREN – Our Parenting Trails are dotted with Fears – Precise reason being, we have “Trust Issues” with our Children – The Generation Gap also contributes to our FEARS – How can we then expect our children to then grow up to be JOYFUL in LIFE, when we are constantly giving them reasons to live in doubts – Join me as we unravel the Secrets to Joyful Children…

Continue reading Friendship with God !


At the core of most major religions, there is spiritual wisdom that echoes on the philosophy that GOD resides in ALL and yet many of us are just not interested in this TRUTH – Ever wondered WHY – because we are so busy playing the Game of Hide & Seek. The Games keeps us entangled and also prevent our children from living a “True Life” – If you are a Parent who wants their child to live with CONFIDENCE, then this Post is for YOU !

Continue reading HIDE & SEEK !

Mother’s LOVE !

Today marks 26th Anniversary of a Fantabulous Journey – 5th March it was, the Golden Hour Moment when I became a Mother – With absolutely no experience and any handbook to guide us – My husband and I started the journey of Wonders of a totally new kind – Today as I sit to pen my THOUGHTS, my reflections guide me to the everlasting support I have been receiving from Baba Nanak in this entire Process – Come join me as I share a PRAYER that beautifully resonates with the Mother – Child Bond.

Continue reading Mother’s LOVE !

To Shine – You Must Rise :)

“BACK to SCHOOL” – The PHASE is BACK – CHALLENGING TIMES are HERE !!! Are YOU ready to accept the challenges & come out a WINNER in this phase of your Life…this is where your SEARCH ends…. Continue reading To Shine – You Must Rise 🙂

March – May – EVERYDAY – 39/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

This is a very SPECIAL POST – A NEW MILESTONE achieved – with this post that I share TODAY…I am HAPPY to announce that I have Successfully completed ¾ of my Journey on this MISSION of Weekly Photo Journal


Continue reading March – May – EVERYDAY – 39/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

“PAIN—It demands to be FELT”

Modern times have resulted in a lot of stress and unnecessary pressure on the little ones. As the years pass by, this stress increases and sometimes it ends in ways that we least expect it to be – Our children are heading towards a zone of No Return Continue reading “PAIN—It demands to be FELT”

“Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 3 of 4)

Today I bring to you some more tips with respect to HEALTHY EATING for College Student. If you have read the previous post…By now you must be well confident of the fact that…

A Healthy College Life is not a myth but a Reality

Today as we continue on with the series – and now that we have tackled the WHY’s – it’s time to get the HOW’s shorted out….Let’s begin…
Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 3 of 4)

“Healthy Eating for College Students”(Part 2 of 4)

Parents, especially mothers are always concerned about their children with respect to eating healthy and staying fit. A sick and unhappy child miles away from the family is always a matter of concern for every family…

So what is the SOLUTION…Time to get the ANSWERS 🙂

Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students”(Part 2 of 4)

The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings :)

I am not a cricket fan – but somehow the word “Innings” has always attracted me and if you were to search its meaning on Google – You might too approach it with a little extra respect for it simply means – “A period during which a person or group is active or effective.”

Now you all must be wondering – What has “Innings” got to do with the  “Empty Nest Syndrome.”  Continue reading The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings 🙂